In "All your base rhapsody."

Even better, the creator of this animation is a fellow Chistchurchian!

In "Curious George: iTunes 5 problem"

Sorry, that last post should have included this link.

There's a new hint over at that solves this exact problem. For some reason, you need to have 'Show Radio' checked in your preferences.

In "Glitterrock is a "screen capping" site"

Also, the very funny Engrish captions of Fellowship of the Ring and The Two Towers.

In "Lebowski Fest this weekend."

I'm always down for a beer with fellow Monkeys and Mefites More likely you'll be drinking White Russians

In "Nice photo."

Don't forget the goatse on the cover of Time Magazine, probably the most prominent goatse display.

In "Curious, George"

Dessert Island

In "Diet Coke"

What I'd really like to see is soft drinks sweetened with Stevia.

(limited to the most recent 20 comments)