In "Curious George - How to Dump a "friend""

the advice above is very good, but it's a little bit contradictory. i have some experience dealing with this stuff through counselling at sexual assault centres, and the experts say that you have to tell a stalker once to leave you alone, in no uncertain terms--not "i don't think this will work" or "i think it would be best if we didn't see each other anymore" but "do not contact me anymore. at all." after that, do NOT respond in ANY way to her attempts to contact you. it will only provide her with hope. second, i don't know where you live, but you may or may not be able to get the police involved at this point. in canada, there is a law in the criminal code called "criminal harassment", which means she doesn't actually have to DO anything to you in order to get the police to press charges. if you do choose to contact the police, you need to start recording her attempts to contact you. save emails and phone messages, and write down dates and times of her coming to your house or whatever. and i know it seems really unfair that you have to change your life, but it's the only way to deal with these problems. finally, i'll second the recommendation for the gift of fear and good luck.

In "Busted!"

back in my rez days, a bunch of us staff members were sitting around bonding before the students arrived, and, well, drinking heavily. one guy decided to take his pants and shorts off and clothe himself in nothing but a wet-nap. when it had demoistened itself, he poured beer on it, to yet more cries of "it burns! it burns!" years later, i met up with him and his new (male) partner, and i told this story, at which point the partner turned to him and said "you KNEW it was going to burn like that???"

In "Boris!"

"There are hundreds of people dying in Iraq," he admonished them as he made for his car. "Go write a proper story." seriously

In "The virtual bartender doesn't server drinks, but is still worth a visit."

Is it me, or is MoFi becoming less enjoyable a place to visit? i'm with you Nah, it just occasionally gets a little, um, testosteroney. Beefcake? sorry, perhaps you'll say i'm no fun at all, but i don't think the objectification of women is improved by the objectification of men

In "SOMEONE SHUT HER UP! Curious Monkey:"

my roommate in my first year of university used to play (on repeat) this song by dc talk that went "hey you...i'm into jesus". i used to end up walking around campus singing it and i had to whack myself on the side of the head and go "no i'm not no i'm not no i'm not"

In "Getting Beyond Good vs. Evil:"

Rather, they embrace the idea that there is one, all-powerful being who is good and a much less powerful evil force that tempts us all. what's the difference between this and dualism? that the locus of the good and of the evil is outside, rather than within, humanity? please help me here, i'm honestly trying to figure it out. from my perspective, the article was pointing out that each of these religions has a conception of good, to which they feel that they belong, and a conception of evil, to which they assign others. how does this not fit in with this description?

In "Preserving the Inuit language."

i wish it were feasible that every endangered language could do something like this. the reality is, of all the (approximately 60) indigenous languages in canada, only three are likely to survive the next century, and inuktitut (the inuit language) is one of those. many of the others are far from having the resources to do this kind of thing.

In "Scopitones!"

neil sedaka is one thing, but seriously, what's with the august calendar girl?

In "curious George"

i've never had specific goals, but my husband, when he was about 7, wanted to be a scientist and study erosion on the moon

In "Michael Moore advises Democrats against suicide."

oh...i suck...never mind then

In "Curious George: New Cat"

sorry, we live between two very busy roads, and she is still fine

i have a cat, and i AGONIZED about the decision to make her an outdoor one. long story short, once upon a time she was an indoor cat, but she was very, very sad and fat (i got her from the spca and suspect she was an outdoor cat before). she accidentally started getting out after we moved out of an apartment, and now she is happy and not so fat. she's been in a couple of fights (she's not very animal-friendly), but no big deal. i don't think she goes very far. now, some of these things could be idiosynchratic to my cat, but she's the only one i've ever had as an adult,'s all about figuring out your cat's personality. if you're getting him/her as a kitten, you should be able to guide him/her in the indoor direction if you prefer. outdoor cats do have a much shorter lifespan, and i will someday have to deal with the tragedy of smooshed muppet, which will devastate me. sorry this is so long, but i just wanted to add...there's some controversy about the declawing issue, even for indoor cats.

In "The largest collection of antique children's books online."

this is great! in a previous life (which actually wasn't all that long ago) i was a linguist working on preserving endangered languages (canadian aboriginal, in particular). this could be an excellent way to get some material available for promoting literacy in these languages at low cost.

In "Bush Shoot-Out."

i wish it was cathartic or something, but he keeps ducking behind the desk every time i try to get him shot.

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