In "The 50 best shooters"

ooh--yeah, it was raiden. how could you omit it from the list? not that anyone is reading this thread anymore, but...THE INJUSTICE is killing me... btw, i hated zaxxon, approximately as much as i hate hitting my head on a low doorframe.

very inspiring! if only i had time to waste (pixels) i'd go out and buy some of the newer games that are high on the list. i used to play an arcade game--i think it was called zaxxon--that i was surprised not to see. it might have been called something else. but it featured a bird's eye view of your ship and ground scrolling beneath. you were presented with oncoming meanies, and when you shot them, you got weapon upgrades (or downgrades, if you didn't know what to pick)...then at the end of each level there was a baddie. on second thought it wasn't called zaxxon. i think zaxxon was some kind of skewed-perspective game that i hated.

In "The Republican Party is Now Implying that "Liberals" Want to "Ban" the Bible"

"Evangelicals shall be 'born again' as fundie Muslims." --Vishnu

That's right mfpb, but the conservatives ARE stupid enough to believe that the Bible would be "banned". If you recall, conservatives are the ones responsible for book burnings. Unlike conservatives, "liberals" are actually known to Advocate public discourse on the nature of existence. This discourse, when it hits the topic of the Bible, naturally devolves into "the problem" of the faithful interrupting "the solution" of the discourse. Were that religious conservatives ever allowed for such a process of public discourse (instead of their lone preacher throwing around moral judgments and accepting money for it), there would need not be any "banning" per se. The Bible would perish out of a collective shrugging-off of so much useless old skin.

In ""

you can make crystal from plastic?

In "How much money would it take for you to kill a puppy with your bare hands?"

humans are puppy terrorists--the innocent should not be persecuted and tortured, nor made to perform services under duress, such as "sit!" , or "lick this peanut butter off!"

In "Creative misuse and abuse of musical tools"

hm, wish i had access to one of them nifty uni networks. call me flummoxed.

In "How much money would it take for you to kill a puppy with your bare hands?"

viet cow

In "Monkeys Produce Hamlet: Feasibility Study"

practice tolerance, every day.

i love when believers try to use logic. it's so...rube goldberg.

In "Whoo Hoo It's Monday!"

VU, yeah! nothing better. my fave is "beginning to see the light". kills every time.

In "Smokin' babe seeks dudes, butts"

but i am compelled to comment: that is sad. it constitutes animal torture in my book. hey look--new theme!

oh...i get it. a theme.

In "Write A Caption For This Picture"

"Ugh, all this patriotic schlock is starting to churn my guts."

In "A geek's dream wedding."

if anyone is uncertain as to WHY this wedding is NOT appalling or sad, it is because those stormtrooper suits are HOT. sorry mom, but they beat the pants off tuxxes.

In "Monkeys Produce Hamlet: Feasibility Study"

humans created hamlet. therefore it is not a valid test of chance operations. this guy obviously does not understand the first thing about the tendency of carbon bonds to produce complex molecules.... nor the idea that complexity is not the same thing as intelligence... but we are used to the fundies and their wee obsessions, and we must allow for their little tantrums so that they don't go and murder us all.

In "My Dark Horse Is Horney"

i didn't bother looking for the ad. the thing lacked substance, but i liked the crappy compositing and thought the actors / models were good. sometimes it takes the pressure or incentive of exposure to get good screen presence. the whole didn't live up to the pretentious title, but it had enough well-made eye candy, and the fake art vibe was better than so many people's "real" art vibe. so what does this teach us? commercial art sucks, but so does "real" art.

In "What Drove Divergence Of Humans From Chimpanzees?"

well, since NO ONE took this link AT ALL seriously, i will now (in the archive) state in no uncertain terms: LAME, LAME, LAME. you are NOT funny. you are tired and tedious. get over yourself. blah.

In "New York Times Link Generator"

wow, hurrah. thanks Sullivan. indispensible? i can already hear attitude dripping off a curt "generate..?"

In "Save Bernd!"

definitely. non sequitur.

(limited to the most recent 20 comments)