So, how did they know a bleach job was needed to begin with? (twisting body and craning neck to no avail)
Ah, I get it! Wing nut looks in mirror, thinks, hmmm... shave or bleach?
Do we tell Umberto Eco?
I love the guy but I'm telling Dan Brown.
He's more widely read you know.
But then again, Brown doesn't have the credibility of Eco...
What to do, what to do?
I know, I'll tell Mel Gibson!!
Thanks storybored.
That was great!
Why does Martin hate Amurika? :0
Sounds like Canada doesn't want to retain sovereignty is what I'm hearing from the White House.
So when is the media gonna cover the story of a male prostitute working in the White House under an assumed name for a fake news outlet?
The story has everything for proper titallation so you'd think that at least the National Enquirer would cash in on it.
Does he do bananas if I pay him enough?
I'm picking a Catholic to win.
posted by gonzone 19 years ago
In "Remember the joke about the ring around Uranus?"
So, how did they know a bleach job was needed to begin with? (twisting body and craning neck to no avail) Ah, I get it! Wing nut looks in mirror, thinks, hmmm... shave or bleach?
posted by gonzone 19 years ago
In "Prevention of Alzheimer's Disease Pathology by Cannabinoids: Neuroprotection Mediated by Blockade of Microglial Activation"
Hey! There's a history of Alzheimer's in my family. Looks like it's time to toke up!
posted by gonzone 19 years ago
In "Spider man, Man of God."
Move over Jack Chick. There's a new comic in town.
posted by gonzone 19 years ago
In "Jeff Gannon comes out swinging."
And what is that thing that Gannon/Guckert came out swinging?
posted by gonzone 20 years ago
In "The Secret Gospel of Mark?"
Do we tell Umberto Eco? I love the guy but I'm telling Dan Brown. He's more widely read you know. But then again, Brown doesn't have the credibility of Eco... What to do, what to do? I know, I'll tell Mel Gibson!!
posted by gonzone 20 years ago
In "Missile Defence - thanks but no thanks"
Thanks storybored. That was great! Why does Martin hate Amurika? :0 Sounds like Canada doesn't want to retain sovereignty is what I'm hearing from the White House.
posted by gonzone 20 years ago
In "Was the U.S. really founded as a "Christian nation"?"
Good article. Thanks.
posted by gonzone 20 years ago
In "The Sarah Foster Sweater Collection for GI Joe and his friends"
What's up with this? Trying to make girly men outta our war heroes? Must hate Amurika. :-)
posted by gonzone 20 years ago
In "Jeff Gannon comes out swinging."
So when is the media gonna cover the story of a male prostitute working in the White House under an assumed name for a fake news outlet? The story has everything for proper titallation so you'd think that at least the National Enquirer would cash in on it. [crickets] Does he do bananas if I pay him enough?
posted by gonzone 20 years ago
(limited to the most recent 20 comments)