In my senior year at the music conservatory...I got 86.1 on tone and 76 on rhythm...I could discern intervals at 1.3...between the top two. I guess good?
If we talk about piercings- I have my lobes gauged to a 6, the traditional helix cartilage piercing in my left ear and an industrial in my right ear. I have thought about both rook and tragus piercings but the way cartilage heals is frightening.
It's interesting to see how all of you weigh in on this issue-and It's lovely how accepting and open those who voice their opinions seem to be. I have been a vegan for the past two years and am so happy and proud of my decision, but in regards to why many of us strive to replicate our favorite non-veggie dishes, the answer is simple! It was so delicious! I don't think there is anything wrong to want foods that are similiar to those you grew up with, and of course they aren't exactly the same but still delicious. I finally have perfected a recipe for mock mac and cheese and it is wayyyy good! Honestly it tastes like cheese to me, but I think as our diets change we start to forget exactly what the old foods tasted like so it doesnt matter if it is a true replica.
In regards to sneaking meat products in that of veggie people- please never ever do this to anyone. Not only is that mean, but you will have a very very ill person on your hands. Over spring break I went to las vegas with some friends, and after a very long night it was hard to find a restaurant open. Finally we came upon an italian place that could cook us up some spaghetti and marinara. I woke up at about 4 in the morning and spent till about 1 pm the next day with horrible sickness out both ends- my meat eating friend was not sick. We went back to the restaurant because I suspected there had been meat in the sauce-sure enough boiled with beef bones. Now this was my own fault I should have really checked but what really makes me wonder is why people who havn't eaten meat for so long have such a horrible physical reaction when it enters their body sometime later. People that have tofu for the first time don't spend hours in the bathroom that night.
god. I didnt know voluntary amputation really existed besides transgender surgeries. That is truly interesting, and perplexing.
But I agree in that I dont liken it to a tattoo in the least ;)
First off i was excited for this thread to generate so much discussion...considering I thought I was shot down early. But anyway onto my tattoos. I have only two, and they definitely imortalize things I recognize in myself and things I want to to strive to be. The first I got on my left ribs to represent my own winding heart. I have always been the type of person to "appreciate the beauty" of life, and am deeply connected to all others. My second is extremely important to me and has come at a very poignant time in my life. The symbolism in both the om and lotus embodied important things to me as well as what I strive to live for.(Although I walked out of there in a daze and missing the dot for the absolute on my om- so that will have to be added when I am all healed up) Anyway long story short I find them beautiful and important.
Yes they are indigenous people, but its bizarre to me how people can justify eating any meat...but to eat such intelligent and peaceful creatures such as gorillas is just beyond me.
ALICE: What does holding hands symbolize?
Human: A physical sign of affection.
ALICE: Interesting. How old are you?
Human: I am 19
ALICE: Only 19? You are very mature.
It looks exactly like my pet hairless rat. Could one have escaped?
posted by freeasharold 17 years ago
In "Test your musical skillz in 6 minutes!"
In my senior year at the music conservatory...I got 86.1 on tone and 76 on rhythm...I could discern intervals at 1.3...between the top two. I guess good?
posted by freeasharold 18 years ago
In "Free Hug Campaign! [youtube]"
I just saw this the other day...but I want to say, I really really like it. :-)
posted by freeasharold 18 years ago
In "Curious George: Tattoos"
If we talk about piercings- I have my lobes gauged to a 6, the traditional helix cartilage piercing in my left ear and an industrial in my right ear. I have thought about both rook and tragus piercings but the way cartilage heals is frightening.
posted by freeasharold 18 years ago
In "Vegan diet reverses diabetes symptoms, study finds"
It's interesting to see how all of you weigh in on this issue-and It's lovely how accepting and open those who voice their opinions seem to be. I have been a vegan for the past two years and am so happy and proud of my decision, but in regards to why many of us strive to replicate our favorite non-veggie dishes, the answer is simple! It was so delicious! I don't think there is anything wrong to want foods that are similiar to those you grew up with, and of course they aren't exactly the same but still delicious. I finally have perfected a recipe for mock mac and cheese and it is wayyyy good! Honestly it tastes like cheese to me, but I think as our diets change we start to forget exactly what the old foods tasted like so it doesnt matter if it is a true replica. In regards to sneaking meat products in that of veggie people- please never ever do this to anyone. Not only is that mean, but you will have a very very ill person on your hands. Over spring break I went to las vegas with some friends, and after a very long night it was hard to find a restaurant open. Finally we came upon an italian place that could cook us up some spaghetti and marinara. I woke up at about 4 in the morning and spent till about 1 pm the next day with horrible sickness out both ends- my meat eating friend was not sick. We went back to the restaurant because I suspected there had been meat in the sauce-sure enough boiled with beef bones. Now this was my own fault I should have really checked but what really makes me wonder is why people who havn't eaten meat for so long have such a horrible physical reaction when it enters their body sometime later. People that have tofu for the first time don't spend hours in the bathroom that night.
posted by freeasharold 18 years ago
In "Curious George: Tattoos"
god. I didnt know voluntary amputation really existed besides transgender surgeries. That is truly interesting, and perplexing. But I agree in that I dont liken it to a tattoo in the least ;)
posted by freeasharold 18 years ago
First off i was excited for this thread to generate so much discussion...considering I thought I was shot down early. But anyway onto my tattoos. I have only two, and they definitely imortalize things I recognize in myself and things I want to to strive to be. The first I got on my left ribs to represent my own winding heart. I have always been the type of person to "appreciate the beauty" of life, and am deeply connected to all others. My second is extremely important to me and has come at a very poignant time in my life. The symbolism in both the om and lotus embodied important things to me as well as what I strive to live for.(Although I walked out of there in a daze and missing the dot for the absolute on my om- so that will have to be added when I am all healed up) Anyway long story short I find them beautiful and important.
posted by freeasharold 18 years ago
In "Shave my yeti"
i just watched jeff corwin's "realm of the yeti" this does not look like a sloth bear
posted by freeasharold 18 years ago
In "How to Make a Sandwich"
"And in any case, why not vegemite instead of peanut butter?" simply thinking of vegemite makes me want to vomit.
posted by freeasharold 18 years ago
In "The only existing photograph of Constanze Weber Mozart"
wow very cool! especially since I am teaching music history to junior high kids all this week.
posted by freeasharold 18 years ago
In "Kill Your Television 2006"
um is a new episode of "lost" on that week?
posted by freeasharold 18 years ago
In "Vampirism 101:"
this website is completely out of control
posted by freeasharold 19 years ago
In "Leonard Cohen is broke."
this confuses me a little a buddhist shouldnt you comfortably let it go?
posted by freeasharold 19 years ago
In "Flying Snakes"
Im so terribly phobic of snakes this is like my worst nightmare.
posted by freeasharold 19 years ago
In "Logical explanations become conspiracy theory"
oh i know he doesnt believe in it....but apparently alot of people do.
posted by freeasharold 19 years ago
In "Having gorillas for dinner."
Yes they are indigenous people, but its bizarre to me how people can justify eating any meat...but to eat such intelligent and peaceful creatures such as gorillas is just beyond me.
posted by freeasharold 19 years ago
In "The Craig's List Experiment"
I was more depressed that at age 20, many of these men in there late 20's and early 30's seemed like rather attractive people. sigh.
posted by freeasharold 20 years ago
In "Hand-to-hand combat with zombies."
this is ridiculous....I love it ;-)
posted by freeasharold 20 years ago
ALICE: What does holding hands symbolize? Human: A physical sign of affection. ALICE: Interesting. How old are you? Human: I am 19 ALICE: Only 19? You are very mature.
posted by freeasharold 20 years ago
In "Children's TV show gone horrible wrong"
horribly* sigh.
posted by freeasharold 20 years ago
(limited to the most recent 20 comments)