Interest free? I wish. In the US, unless your family is designated as "poor" by the government and you apply for special loans, interest can being accruing while you're still in school.
The only way to get loan deferral or forgivenss is to join Peace Corps or AmeriCorps
Poor Alan Alda, so endlessly abused.
Very interesting article though. I have memories of when I was young that I'm not sure are real memories of when I was 5 or memories of dreams I had when I was 5. Is there a difference?
I agree that having nice TVs and computers in the shelter sends a positive message, instead of: "you're homeless and we're helping you so you better be happy with a crappy bed and bare cement room". As Kimberly pointed out, being in a nicer environment often makes the people nicer as well.
But would the $500 for a computer or TV been better spent on another bed or two? Hard to say. If these "luxury" items actually help get more homeless off the street and keep them off the street then it's all worth it.
While warnings about toys that might pose choking hazards to small children are appreciated, most of the other warnings seem to be the common-sense variety. Like don't let your kid look at the sun. Or don't let your kid attack people with plastic nunchuks. Do we really need to tell people these things?
According to Snopes, the twinkie defense wasn't actually a defense strategy, but a complete mis-read by the press that has become urban legend.
White's light sentance led to riots, and he eventually committed suicide.
The goggles, they go nothing!
posted by falconred 21 years ago
In "British university students"
Interest free? I wish. In the US, unless your family is designated as "poor" by the government and you apply for special loans, interest can being accruing while you're still in school. The only way to get loan deferral or forgivenss is to join Peace Corps or AmeriCorps
posted by falconred 21 years ago
In "Could all of you return the money I lent you?"
Poor Alan Alda, so endlessly abused. Very interesting article though. I have memories of when I was young that I'm not sure are real memories of when I was 5 or memories of dreams I had when I was 5. Is there a difference?
posted by falconred 21 years ago
In ""
I'm going... now I just need to find a twin... and someway to become Asian or Indian... then profit!
posted by falconred 21 years ago
In ""
I suggest they paint the walls a pale lavender, and do their signage in charcoal gray and burgundy. I said "nicer", not "Martha Stewarty".
posted by falconred 21 years ago
I agree that having nice TVs and computers in the shelter sends a positive message, instead of: "you're homeless and we're helping you so you better be happy with a crappy bed and bare cement room". As Kimberly pointed out, being in a nicer environment often makes the people nicer as well. But would the $500 for a computer or TV been better spent on another bed or two? Hard to say. If these "luxury" items actually help get more homeless off the street and keep them off the street then it's all worth it.
posted by falconred 21 years ago
In "Music and taxes"
I'll gladly pay an extra $0.25 per blank CD if that means the RIAA will go away.
posted by falconred 21 years ago
In "Cap'n Crunch"
I've met Captain Crunch in person on a couple occasions. An "interesting character" to say the least.
posted by falconred 21 years ago
In "Most Obvious New Kids Exercise Yet..."
Dedicated elucidiators linger in continued interest, ogling ungainly sentances, longingly yearning.
posted by falconred 21 years ago
You are kooky.
posted by falconred 21 years ago
The only night I get "happy"? Tuesday.
posted by falconred 21 years ago
Evangelical viticulturists eying random green roots each evening? Naturally!
posted by falconred 21 years ago
You underestimate my massive ylang-ylang
posted by falconred 21 years ago
Damn! I suck! Continuing on... my bruised or battered understanding looks at this interesting new goal. (disregard my previous post!)
posted by falconred 21 years ago
So true, useless posts inhibit discussion.
posted by falconred 21 years ago
In "The Wiccan Diet!"
Instead of eating right and exercising, we'll just magically lose weight? No, you'll magickally lose weight.
posted by falconred 21 years ago
In ""
While warnings about toys that might pose choking hazards to small children are appreciated, most of the other warnings seem to be the common-sense variety. Like don't let your kid look at the sun. Or don't let your kid attack people with plastic nunchuks. Do we really need to tell people these things?
posted by falconred 21 years ago
In "A city built around a prison."
One they start building the old folks home, it's time to worry. (actually I'm worried now, but that's not as funny)
posted by falconred 21 years ago
In ""
AD&D Edition IV, now with Hoplite class!
posted by falconred 21 years ago
In "25 years ago today"
According to Snopes, the twinkie defense wasn't actually a defense strategy, but a complete mis-read by the press that has become urban legend. White's light sentance led to riots, and he eventually committed suicide.
posted by falconred 21 years ago
(limited to the most recent 20 comments)