There is a bellydancer that I know that has a stock photo at one of the services. The same photo has been showing up on ebay ads, on products, has been modified to look Hindu and a bunch of other stuff. She's pretty popular so the picture is become the face of bellydance for somestuff. But what's funny is it's the same picture.
She doesn't always know the next place it will show up.
There is a bellydancer that I know that has a stock photo at one of the services. The same photo has been showing up on ebay ads, on products, has been modified to look Hindu and a bunch of other stuff. She's pretty popular so the picture is become the face of bellydance for somestuff. But what's funny is it's the same picture. She doesn't always know the next place it will show up.
posted by djlerman 19 years ago
In "Curious, Gerorge: Phtoshop actions"
I gave up trying to use Photoshop for anything batch. For resizing JPG's I use: JPEG Resizer
posted by djlerman 19 years ago
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