"When asked about the incident, Del Toro explained: "It was pretty hairy but I only did what any other man would do. I was glad to be able to help out."
That's not a very nice way to describe Penelope Cruz.
No no no. Here's the real Gay Agenda:
6:00 am Gym
8:00 am Breakfast (oatmeal and egg whites)
9:00 am Hair appointment
10:00 am Shopping
12:00 PM Brunch
2:00 PM
1) Assume complete control of the U.S. Federal, State and Local Governments as well as all other national governments,
2) Recruit all straight youngsters to our debauched lifestyle,
3) Destroy all healthy heterosexual marriages,
4) Replace all school counselors in grades K-12 with agents of Colombian and Jamaican drug cartels,
5) Establish planetary chain of homo breeding gulags where over-medicated imprisoned straight women are turned into artificially impregnated baby factories to produce prepubescent love slaves for our devotedly pederastic gay leadership,
6) bulldoze all houses of worship, and
7) Secure total control of the INTERNET and all mass media for the exclusive use of child pornographers.
2:30 PM Get forty winks of beauty rest to prevent facial wrinkles from stress of world conquest
4:00 PM Cocktails
6:00 PM Light Dinner (soup, salad, with Chardonnay)
8:00 PM Theater
11:00 PM Bed (du jour)"
Why are straight people so afraid of the homosexual agenda?? My sister is homosexual and here's her agenda:
6:30 AM - Get out of bed
8:00 AM - Get the kids off to school
8:30 AM - Arrive at work
12:30 PM - Lunch
etc. etc.
No corruption of innocent Christian children. No acting in gay porn.
That must be it. I've been trying to return this twizzled bit shifter for a new fresh one. But the return policy isn't so generous. (Wait, doesn't Reagan = Jesus?)
Two Birds, in my tortured syntax, the Hillary Clinton comment referred to her "It Takes a Village" thingie. I don't think she had nude men and erotic games in mind. (On preview...or maybe she did?!?)
I'm particularly disturbed by the photos of her posing with her old chomped surfboard. (available under multimedia:lifestyle). I mean, good for her for coming back from a horrible injury, but that happy look on her face creeps me out...
Of course Wal-mart thinks its not economically viable to have a unionized store - not using their economics of fantastic profits. Meanwhile, many other companies have no problem providing a living wage and health care for their employees. But those companies aren't interested in raping the world the way Wal-mart is.
I honestly believe its worth pursuing your dreams and letting the money come later. I spent many years trying to convince myself I didn't want to work in the entertainment industry, when that's in fact all I wanted to do.
After a job in tech, a couple graduate degrees, and many years wondering how to be happy, I'm finally producing and writing for television and recently achieved a goal I set out to achieve. Which is: I had always wanted to produce for National Geographic.
It seemed very exotic to work for them. My perfect job: TV, travel, natural history. Well, I'm just finishing up a production for National Geographic right now. Its a great feeling to have accomplished something I set out to do. I never would have had that feeling if I had stayed in tech. I would have always wondered - and that's enough to convince me that no matter what - its always worth pursuing your dreams. The positive psychic energy you reap is worth more than money.
I'm in a weird position of having achieved my most recent dream. As a young kid, I wanted to be a geologist or archeologist. Then, inspired by one, I wanted to be a funny dentist. Then I wanted to be a famous actor. I still do. But none of those ever happened and in college, I decided I"d rather be behind the camera, traveling the world as a filmmaker for National Geographic. Now over 10 years and many careers and jobs later, I'm just finishing up my first production for National Geographic. I'm not making much money doing this, but it is a really great thing to do the exact thing you once dreamed of. Seriously, I now feel I can die having done something I always wanted to do. I'd like to do more before I die, but at least I've done one.
My family has all dealt with depression in some form or another, including myself. I've found CBT to be helpful when I"m stable enough to consider it. Your girlfriend needs to stabilize first and foremost lest she end up like my sister did, in the hospital trying to do herself in a couple of times.
First thing I'd suggest is finding the right meds - they smooth over the really rough spots and help one get a grip on just living daily life. If she's on a downward slide even on Lexapro, then she isn't on the right meds and isn't dealing with some big big issues. Get her to a Psychiatrist who can evaluate if there's more going on and some more serious meds needed. I can't really give you any specifics on what those would be but in a pinch, Xanax is a good anxiety reliever. Puts you to sleep, too. You feel all warm all over. Which is nice.
Then, once she's stabilized, doing CBT is key. Also providing her a safe, nonjudgemental place where she knows she can let herself be. She's probably freaking out more from knowing she's hurting you. The hurting herself, the cheating on you, the calling you crying -- they're all desperate cries for attention. Don't let her be forced into seeking attention that way. Give her positive attention. The girl you know and love is still there. Think of depression like a mask. You know the person you'd recognize is underneath, but they're hiding under something they don't have control over.
Good luck genial...depression isn't fun. But you will learn a great deal about each other in the process.
Don't forget to celebrate Jewsmas, the true Jewish Christmas. Featuring such traditions as: The Refusal of the Ham, The Mumbling of the Carols, and The Ogling of the Shiksa.
I wanted to be a funny dentist. Largely because my dentist at the time was funny. And I idolized him. Then I realized I didn't want to be a funny dentist. I wanted to be a movie star. When it became clear I had little in the way of acting talent, I wanted to be a documentary filmmaker, traveling the world. I'm currently a documentary filmmaker, but I don't much travel the world - its too expensive.
"When asked about the incident, Del Toro explained: "It was pretty hairy but I only did what any other man would do. I was glad to be able to help out." That's not a very nice way to describe Penelope Cruz.
posted by debris7 19 years ago
In "An Alabama State Represenatative doesn't see that banning of homosexual authors and books with homosexual characters as censorship."
No no no. Here's the real Gay Agenda: 6:00 am Gym 8:00 am Breakfast (oatmeal and egg whites) 9:00 am Hair appointment 10:00 am Shopping 12:00 PM Brunch 2:00 PM 1) Assume complete control of the U.S. Federal, State and Local Governments as well as all other national governments, 2) Recruit all straight youngsters to our debauched lifestyle, 3) Destroy all healthy heterosexual marriages, 4) Replace all school counselors in grades K-12 with agents of Colombian and Jamaican drug cartels, 5) Establish planetary chain of homo breeding gulags where over-medicated imprisoned straight women are turned into artificially impregnated baby factories to produce prepubescent love slaves for our devotedly pederastic gay leadership, 6) bulldoze all houses of worship, and 7) Secure total control of the INTERNET and all mass media for the exclusive use of child pornographers. 2:30 PM Get forty winks of beauty rest to prevent facial wrinkles from stress of world conquest 4:00 PM Cocktails 6:00 PM Light Dinner (soup, salad, with Chardonnay) 8:00 PM Theater 11:00 PM Bed (du jour)"
posted by debris7 19 years ago
In "Jon Stewart Applies the Smackdown Again"
Why are straight people so afraid of the homosexual agenda?? My sister is homosexual and here's her agenda: 6:30 AM - Get out of bed 8:00 AM - Get the kids off to school 8:30 AM - Arrive at work 12:30 PM - Lunch etc. etc. No corruption of innocent Christian children. No acting in gay porn.
posted by debris7 19 years ago
In "Bush on a coin!!??"
That must be it. I've been trying to return this twizzled bit shifter for a new fresh one. But the return policy isn't so generous. (Wait, doesn't Reagan = Jesus?)
posted by debris7 19 years ago
How did that extra "Dollar" get at the front of my post title?!
posted by debris7 19 years ago
In "21 Year Old, Still Fresh, Needs some work"
The eBay comments at the bottom are great - everyone's clearly in on the joke except our 21 year old.
posted by debris7 19 years ago
In "Everett: a permanent ecovillage"
Two Birds, in my tortured syntax, the Hillary Clinton comment referred to her "It Takes a Village" thingie. I don't think she had nude men and erotic games in mind. (On preview...or maybe she did?!?)
posted by debris7 19 years ago
In "Brand Bethany Hamilton"
I'm particularly disturbed by the photos of her posing with her old chomped surfboard. (available under multimedia:lifestyle). I mean, good for her for coming back from a horrible injury, but that happy look on her face creeps me out...
posted by debris7 19 years ago
In "I linked to this story yeterday, but now there's more to tell."
Of course Wal-mart thinks its not economically viable to have a unionized store - not using their economics of fantastic profits. Meanwhile, many other companies have no problem providing a living wage and health care for their employees. But those companies aren't interested in raping the world the way Wal-mart is.
posted by debris7 19 years ago
In "Curious, Sellout?"
I honestly believe its worth pursuing your dreams and letting the money come later. I spent many years trying to convince myself I didn't want to work in the entertainment industry, when that's in fact all I wanted to do. After a job in tech, a couple graduate degrees, and many years wondering how to be happy, I'm finally producing and writing for television and recently achieved a goal I set out to achieve. Which is: I had always wanted to produce for National Geographic. It seemed very exotic to work for them. My perfect job: TV, travel, natural history. Well, I'm just finishing up a production for National Geographic right now. Its a great feeling to have accomplished something I set out to do. I never would have had that feeling if I had stayed in tech. I would have always wondered - and that's enough to convince me that no matter what - its always worth pursuing your dreams. The positive psychic energy you reap is worth more than money.
posted by debris7 19 years ago
In "Curious, Sellout II"
I'm in a weird position of having achieved my most recent dream. As a young kid, I wanted to be a geologist or archeologist. Then, inspired by one, I wanted to be a funny dentist. Then I wanted to be a famous actor. I still do. But none of those ever happened and in college, I decided I"d rather be behind the camera, traveling the world as a filmmaker for National Geographic. Now over 10 years and many careers and jobs later, I'm just finishing up my first production for National Geographic. I'm not making much money doing this, but it is a really great thing to do the exact thing you once dreamed of. Seriously, I now feel I can die having done something I always wanted to do. I'd like to do more before I die, but at least I've done one.
posted by debris7 19 years ago
In "Curious, George: Dealing with depression"
My family has all dealt with depression in some form or another, including myself. I've found CBT to be helpful when I"m stable enough to consider it. Your girlfriend needs to stabilize first and foremost lest she end up like my sister did, in the hospital trying to do herself in a couple of times.
First thing I'd suggest is finding the right meds - they smooth over the really rough spots and help one get a grip on just living daily life. If she's on a downward slide even on Lexapro, then she isn't on the right meds and isn't dealing with some big big issues. Get her to a Psychiatrist who can evaluate if there's more going on and some more serious meds needed. I can't really give you any specifics on what those would be but in a pinch, Xanax is a good anxiety reliever. Puts you to sleep, too. You feel all warm all over. Which is nice.
Then, once she's stabilized, doing CBT is key. Also providing her a safe, nonjudgemental place where she knows she can let herself be. She's probably freaking out more from knowing she's hurting you. The hurting herself, the cheating on you, the calling you crying -- they're all desperate cries for attention. Don't let her be forced into seeking attention that way. Give her positive attention. The girl you know and love is still there. Think of depression like a mask. You know the person you'd recognize is underneath, but they're hiding under something they don't have control over.
Good luck genial...depression isn't fun. But you will learn a great deal about each other in the process.
posted by debris7 20 years ago
In ""
Don't forget to celebrate Jewsmas, the true Jewish Christmas. Featuring such traditions as: The Refusal of the Ham, The Mumbling of the Carols, and The Ogling of the Shiksa.
posted by debris7 20 years ago
In "curious George"
I wanted to be a funny dentist. Largely because my dentist at the time was funny. And I idolized him. Then I realized I didn't want to be a funny dentist. I wanted to be a movie star. When it became clear I had little in the way of acting talent, I wanted to be a documentary filmmaker, traveling the world. I'm currently a documentary filmmaker, but I don't much travel the world - its too expensive.
posted by debris7 20 years ago
(limited to the most recent 20 comments)