One thing to be said in favour of the Episodes I and II DVDs is that the extras are exceptionally good. If Lucas had had a documentary crew following him at every step -- writing, casting, all the way through post -- for the original movies with an eye to making a good doco, rather than, say, a half hour tv "making of", then the the resultant footage would be worth the price of the set alone.
For what it's worth, I know that there are good quality rips of the original films from LaserDisc floating around, if you're into that whole downloading scene.
One thing to be said in favour of the Episodes I and II DVDs is that the extras are exceptionally good. If Lucas had had a documentary crew following him at every step -- writing, casting, all the way through post -- for the original movies with an eye to making a good doco, rather than, say, a half hour tv "making of", then the the resultant footage would be worth the price of the set alone. For what it's worth, I know that there are good quality rips of the original films from LaserDisc floating around, if you're into that whole downloading scene.
posted by davidr 21 years ago
In "Curious George: Meta...what?"
10 Years Of (Matt Haughey's) Life is a-okay, since it lives on a different server.
posted by davidr 21 years ago
(limited to the most recent 20 comments)