In "Metafilter has turned on signups for new users."

Which MeFites are ass clowns? I lurk here (MoFi) and there (MeFi). I go through phases of prefering this place (especially during the US elections), but AskMe is whay I love MeTa now and is seems to me to be reason enough to pay $5.00

In "Bollocks"


In "Curious George: Which blogs do you read?"

Everyone should read dong resin's joint. Without doubt one of the funniest MeFi contributers of all time, his blog is consistently amusing. I'm still waiting for Unity to be released, so I check Jeff Minter's blog every now and again too.

In "Has he returned or is this all a big hoax?"

From the press release: Kaufman

In ""

Interesting. Their "site of the day" when I clicked is linked to a fairly well known conman crank, Dennis Lee's "free energy" scam scheme.

In "I drink Blackcurrant Tango - come and get me!"

Interesting. So how old is this? It dates from 1996. It was not on the screens for long as it is clearly OTT in terms of xenophobia. It got tonnes of coverage in the press and people still talk about it, so it was a successful ad. For the un-initiated, there are a number of other Tango ads on this site: Scroll down a bit, they're all grouped together in an orange table about three-quarters of the way down. I liked the apple seduction series best.

In "Just Say No (to Flies)"

I've seen the first three pics before somewhere. Not sure where though. Is it just me or does that last pic look like the spider used MS paint?

In "Wizmark"

Call me unadventurous, but I don't want anything I pee on to talk back.

In ""

Hmmm, multiple pete_bests eh? Very "Agent Smith". tracicle: everyone has their pet charities Nice double meaning there. I donate to sendacow*. They don't send monkeys; too difficult to milk, I think. They will send trees, bees, goats, stoats, pigs, rabbits or a whole farmyard to african farmers to help them help themselves out of poverty. So far, I've donated some bees and next, I'm sending trees (for the bees). I like the cheque sending idea for the monkey sanctuary. I bet it'd wierd them out a bit though. (* for all you USians)

The "actual" figure (on the front page) reads 992 today, but the latest member is 1037. Have 45 people been kicked out of here already? Man you guys run a much tighter ship than MeFi. *starts watching what he says. realises he doesn't say much here. slips back to lurking.*

In "I may be drunk, but tomorrow morning I shall be sober, and you will still be ugly."

I'm only good with the german. Some of them are very funny. I really like this one: Ich sprechen deutsch wie italienisch Fu

In ""Nessie on the Web" site reveals the truth IS out there!"

That first pic is clearly three people standing in a row on the jetty. The middle person is bending down towards the water, the other two standing upright. However, this site doesn't seem to have been updated in about 3 years and I'm pretty sure they were taking the piss with the monster stuff. The lake and surrounds are beautiful enough as they are. Why is this tourist mongering monster twaddle perpetuated?

In "The Bathroom Readers' Institute"

Plegmund: Crap, you're right I should have put (4,4,2,5) (doh, sorry any one else trying to figure it out)! Is the answer to your's Eider? Apparently, crosswords on the Guardian website are "premium content". Sorry about that. I don't work on Guardian Unlimited (or the Guardian for that matter), so there's little someone like me can do about it here.

Araucaria's crosswords are the hardest I've ever tried to solve. He's a genius, my favourite clue of his was (the not too dificult as it turned out): Play ankoolger (4,4,5) His first anthology of crosswords was published last year. The rather aptly named "Monkey Puzzles"

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