How is this a good idea, again?
By refusing to enable corporations by purchasing their products, an ethical person reduces the amount they participate in the destruction of the world. Which is a very good thing.
The great thing about dumpster diving is that most Americans simply can't be arsed to put any effort into it, so those of us who live primarily out of dumpsters will always have a plentiful food source for absolutely free. I've been dumpster diving for years now, and the concept of paying for bread or produce has become entirely foreign to me.
Of course, more and more supermarkets are tossing bleach on the food, locking their dumpsters behind giant fences or using compactors (like Safeway), so it will always be something of a challenge.
And please, people, if you dumpster something you don't want, just leave it, don't try to return it. Attempting a return scam ultimately fucks the rest of us over, since the corporation that's tossing the trash will just get pissed and lock it down tighter.
Judging by all the useful things and edible food I've found in dumpsters, anyone willing to put a little bit of effort into it can live for nearly free.
This freecycle thing seems like it takes both the hassle and the fun out of hopping into a new dumpster.
Huh, guess we should stop giving rhesus macaques soy products, then.
This study has absolutely no value at all, except to continue Mr. Kaplan's white-coat welfare.
Again? Jeez, they need to build one internet and stick with it.
posted by cmonkey 20 years ago
In "Letter of Warning: Don't share your office computer's C drive on Kazaa."
Thanks melinika!
posted by cmonkey 20 years ago
Anyone have a mirror of those letters? It wants me to create an account to view that post.
posted by cmonkey 20 years ago
In "MetaFilter's down again."
posted by cmonkey 20 years ago
In "Curious George: I want a PC pony!"
Look around for a local computer store. They'll be able to build you a machine in your price range that'll work just fine.
posted by cmonkey 20 years ago
In "Why Freeganism?"
How is this a good idea, again? By refusing to enable corporations by purchasing their products, an ethical person reduces the amount they participate in the destruction of the world. Which is a very good thing.
posted by cmonkey 20 years ago
In "Dumpster diving for the environment!"
The great thing about dumpster diving is that most Americans simply can't be arsed to put any effort into it, so those of us who live primarily out of dumpsters will always have a plentiful food source for absolutely free. I've been dumpster diving for years now, and the concept of paying for bread or produce has become entirely foreign to me. Of course, more and more supermarkets are tossing bleach on the food, locking their dumpsters behind giant fences or using compactors (like Safeway), so it will always be something of a challenge. And please, people, if you dumpster something you don't want, just leave it, don't try to return it. Attempting a return scam ultimately fucks the rest of us over, since the corporation that's tossing the trash will just get pissed and lock it down tighter.
posted by cmonkey 20 years ago
In ""
Holy crap, people actually pay that much rent for an apartment? *cmonkey shakes his head and hugs his $250 a month rent*
posted by cmonkey 20 years ago
In "Breaking History: Ronald Reagan dead at 93"
Jeez, finally someone impeached that miserable bastard. Shoulda happened a few decades ago.
posted by cmonkey 20 years ago
In "You'll be amazed at what people throw away."
Judging by all the useful things and edible food I've found in dumpsters, anyone willing to put a little bit of effort into it can live for nearly free. This freecycle thing seems like it takes both the hassle and the fun out of hopping into a new dumpster.
posted by cmonkey 20 years ago
In "The History of Toilet Paper. "
Toilets of the World seems like it needs to be linked here somewhere.
posted by cmonkey 20 years ago
In "Game Boy music madness"
8bitpeoples is also pretty good.
posted by cmonkey 20 years ago
In "Has he returned or is this all a big hoax?"
There's a press release! It must be true!
posted by cmonkey 20 years ago
In "In male monkeys, too much soy has adverse effects."
Huh, guess we should stop giving rhesus macaques soy products, then. This study has absolutely no value at all, except to continue Mr. Kaplan's white-coat welfare.
posted by cmonkey 20 years ago
In ""
Songs About Masturbation From the 80s
posted by cmonkey 21 years ago
(limited to the most recent 20 comments)