I know this is an old thread, but I stumbled upon it and thought I would post a little something... As someone who for a while thought I just wasn't into having kids (even though I liked them well enough), I can definitely find humor (dark as it may be) in the website linked to. And while I have now decided to actually pursue having a family, I can still relate to that feeling of being in the minority, of having assumptions (generally wrong) made about you, and of sometimes feeling very annoyed with all the 'regular' people and the thoughtless way they talk about your family situation (or lack thereof). Although I have no fertility problems, I have decided (for various humanitarian and other reasons) to adopt, and get many strange looks when I tell people this. Just like they can't conceive (ha ha) of someone wanting to remain childless, they also can't comprehend someone who would want a child without doing it 'the old fashioned way'. Oh well. Sometimes I get mad at their ignorance but usually I end up feeling a bit smugly superior at my own openness of mind. ;-)
I know this is an old thread, but I stumbled upon it and thought I would post a little something... As someone who for a while thought I just wasn't into having kids (even though I liked them well enough), I can definitely find humor (dark as it may be) in the website linked to. And while I have now decided to actually pursue having a family, I can still relate to that feeling of being in the minority, of having assumptions (generally wrong) made about you, and of sometimes feeling very annoyed with all the 'regular' people and the thoughtless way they talk about your family situation (or lack thereof). Although I have no fertility problems, I have decided (for various humanitarian and other reasons) to adopt, and get many strange looks when I tell people this. Just like they can't conceive (ha ha) of someone wanting to remain childless, they also can't comprehend someone who would want a child without doing it 'the old fashioned way'. Oh well. Sometimes I get mad at their ignorance but usually I end up feeling a bit smugly superior at my own openness of mind. ;-)
posted by chinabethann 20 years ago
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