In "State of the Union Address"

Sex in the City is more evil than Bush.

In "Photos and MP3"

I forgot about how all our posting histories were erased - but I didn't recognize the username

This person works for Apple's advertising agency. I just thought I would mention that.

In "Didn't Know I Was Unamerican"

I have always wondered - why do flash movies always get forwarded around as a direct link to the swf instead of the html page? Is it so you can resize the movie yourself? For toons sometimes its good, but many swfs have bitmap photos/artwork where the quality is degraded if it is at the wrong size. Also there is the problem of the browser not being the same dimensions as the original swf, which sometimes causes you to see things off the stage which you are not supposed to (on this movie there is a scene near the beginning where a few people are cut out and rising upward in front of a crowd - this scene gets messed up if your browser is the wrong size) Not meant to derail - Please continue to discuss the original link - which I thought was very interesting - but I would like to know the answer to my question

In "Apocalypse: Now."

Right now I don't think there is another rivalry in American sports that even comes close. While I am not big on the Yankees, I find it hard to root for the Red Sox. Sometimes I get the feeling that Sox fans think they deserve to win - that they are entitled to it because the Yankees are big bullies - but what about everybody else? I'm all for rooting with the hapless underdog, but the Red Sox are not the underdog, they are powerhouse #2. How many teams had the luxury of acquiring Curt Schilling in the offseason? I guess it's valid to be a Yankee Hater because they win so much, but I'd like to hate the Red Sox too. And you know - if the Red Sox do win it all, these games wouldn't be as much fun anymore!

In "October is next month"

black helicopters

In "RNC Protest Photos"

If only .1 % of the marchers who were out there yesterday feel energized enough by that walk to take a trip to pennsylvania, and canvass door to door for a few hours, and they convince 10 voters each? thats FOUR THOUSAND SWING STATE VOTERS that will have been influenced. Are you selling me Amway?

In "400,000 march for peace in New York City"

and protesters.

I hate Republicans. I also hate protestors.

In "Bobby Fischer arrested in Japan."

Even though he had a very short career, I hear that many chess geeks consider him to be the greatest player that ever lived. They even study specific games that he played, is this true? I don't know much about chess.

In "Can an inflatable version be far behind ?"

Location: A mall somewhere in Ohio Halle Berry: "Hi I'm Halle Berry, I saw you from across the Orange Julius and I really want to make out with you" Flagpole: "Mmmh, you don't ring any bells here, and I've got a busy day - you know, Home Depot" (Halle Berry runs off crying)

In "People are tiring of ads in all their forms."

I love people that say "advertising doesn't work on them". There is probably a soda that you would like much more than Coca-Cola but you don't drink it because you don't know it exists. Do you go see certain movies because you're a personal friend of the director and they told you about it? -And only the real ghetto companies still do popups.

In ""

But if you have this wallet you just have 'the wallet from Pulp Fiction'. I thought the cool part was that Sam Jackson unexpectedly had this crazy BAD MOTHER FUCKER wallet. The only possible explanation was that he actually was a BAD MOTHER FUCKER. I doubt that everyone who buys this is a BAD MOTHER FUCKER.

In "The capture of bin Laden?"

yes, Osama is an actor hired by the CIA. The illuminati are flying their black helicopters in search of lands to rape and pillage, I bought a book and paid for a seminar that told me so. I saw JFK too. end communication

(limited to the most recent 20 comments)