I haven't been in Canada long enough to learn much French from cereal boxes, but even I can tell that all the posters so far are kind of missing the joke here. Hint: it's not just that french and english are mixed up.
BTW, watching this again, it's pretty obvious that some of the footage is more recent - the pudgy white boy doing the "yellow pages" and the pudgy (east) indian guy. The fashions are completely different (basically late 90s/00s slacker.) I doubt the pigeon is contemporary either. Still a lot of fun though.
This was great - I love the crew of admiring women with their unfortunate 80s fashions. And the pigeon. But I don't think Diesel has anything to be ashamed about in this - after all, he seemed to be pretty good at it, as far as I can tell.
imlass: the matter of Diesel's ethnicity did come up briefly when he was just starting to get bigger roles. He actually got his big break because he made a short - "Multi-facial" - about the difficulty of being a mixed race actor, which got the attention of Steven Spielberg.
Personally, I don't think Diesel is a bad actor, though most of the movies he has been in do suck.
The linked article isn't all that great, but I found their Q&A to be pretty interesting so I decided to read the book. I'm about 3/4 of the way throught it. I am not sure they are completely on the money in all of their observations, but they do make an interesting case. FWIW, they do name-check Pierre Bourdieu, and Richer is absolutely spot-on about where they are coming from politically. They make this pretty clear in the Q&A.
I haven't been in Canada long enough to learn much French from cereal boxes, but even I can tell that all the posters so far are kind of missing the joke here. Hint: it's not just that french and english are mixed up.
posted by biketrouble 20 years ago
In "Vin Diesel Teaches Breakdancing"
BTW, watching this again, it's pretty obvious that some of the footage is more recent - the pudgy white boy doing the "yellow pages" and the pudgy (east) indian guy. The fashions are completely different (basically late 90s/00s slacker.) I doubt the pigeon is contemporary either. Still a lot of fun though.
posted by biketrouble 20 years ago
This was great - I love the crew of admiring women with their unfortunate 80s fashions. And the pigeon. But I don't think Diesel has anything to be ashamed about in this - after all, he seemed to be pretty good at it, as far as I can tell. imlass: the matter of Diesel's ethnicity did come up briefly when he was just starting to get bigger roles. He actually got his big break because he made a short - "Multi-facial" - about the difficulty of being a mixed race actor, which got the attention of Steven Spielberg. Personally, I don't think Diesel is a bad actor, though most of the movies he has been in do suck.
posted by biketrouble 20 years ago
In "Be an anti-consumism rebel, just like everyone else:"
The linked article isn't all that great, but I found their Q&A to be pretty interesting so I decided to read the book. I'm about 3/4 of the way throught it. I am not sure they are completely on the money in all of their observations, but they do make an interesting case. FWIW, they do name-check Pierre Bourdieu, and Richer is absolutely spot-on about where they are coming from politically. They make this pretty clear in the Q&A.
posted by biketrouble 20 years ago
In "Haugesund to Trondheim, the long way round."
This software just acknowledges the fact that all roads lead to London. With the exception of the M25.
posted by biketrouble 20 years ago
(limited to the most recent 20 comments)