In "Curious George: Who is John Stewart?"

here you can watch jon stewart's appearance on crossfire. it's awesome.

In "Political Sim fun"

but it's such a funny post!

In "D'you know what I have?"

me too!!! email me at my username and i will be most happy to invite.

In "Arrrr, matey!"

i love you, monkeys.

In "Curious George"

i have an iRiver iFP-180 and i can't really recommend it. you can indeed organize by folders, but the software that comes with it is inconvenient, i hate the user interface of the player itself, and the whole thing seems flimsy (mine has been held together by duct tape since the week after i bought it.) while it was relatively inexpensive, i wish i'd sprung for something more like a Rio. or an iPod. :) i hope you find a better solution than this.

In "An Adventurer is You!"

oooh a monkey clan! joy!

In "Metafilter Access"

this makes my day.

In "Flogging Molly - A Guiness Soaked Musical Body Blow"

oh, i am such a fan! they played at an outdoor festival here last summer and it was awesome!

In "Improper Penmanship"

monkey-style, right here! (that does sound dirty!) i write neat but slow. i was taught the proper grip but never got the hang of it. also, i hold my fork "wrong" when i eat. coincidence?

In ""This telephone can be used to transport to other places."

it's so pretty!

In "Gmail is for monkeys"

aw gosh. thanks, ilyadeux! hehe. ♥ that's great

silly dawson, a heart's a <3 hehe. i <3 being able to invite people (RXR, that Gmail competitor rocks)

Whoa, I've got three more invites already! Send me an email if you're still waiting for one! :)

okay! my invitations are sent! pass it on, monkeys! and thanks, interrobang. not as cute as yours! ;)

hey monkeys, who's still waiting? i've still got my two invites, amazingly, so drop me an email.

In "Fresh monkey meat"

devoted mefi lurker for way too long... MONKEYFILTER I LOVE YOU!

(limited to the most recent 20 comments)