In "Economists."

This is fun to play with music going. Headbang eggheads, headbang!

In "Collaborative fridge letters"

Great stuff. The wordplay is the best part. (that and writing naughty words)

In "Let's Swap Again (Like We Did Last Summer)"

Count me in.

In "Curious George: Creating Mp3s"

LAME has worked well for me in ripping a crapload of classical music for a class I am taking on Beethoven. I used EAC to work with it, and have nothing but pleased.

In "Curious, George"

A couple reasons. Public outcry at their removal, and the miniscule profit they make seem to be what I remember from debating this in high school as the top reasons that they're not gone.

In "Marshmallow Peeps"

We here in college have whiled away many a lazy hour microwaving the bunnies. There's little like it. You can just microwave marshmallows, but marshmallows don't have eyes. I would post pictures of the remains on a napkin that is serving as a wall hanging in our common area, but i can't find a camera. Suffice it to say that they are cool looking. Just put them on a paper towel first.

In "Whose Mind is it Anyway?"

Hot damn...every once in a while McCloud catches my eye again, and I have to go hunt through the archives to get a look at the coolness that is his comicing style. This comic about chess is very good.

In "Puzzles + Math = Magic"

Wow. This is very cool, and as a math nerd, i must say that the hyper cube applet on the Gatherings for Gardiner site is just straight up hypnotic.

In "Citizen Kubrick"

Can you imagine a Kubrick film about Napoleon? It gives me chills thinking about it.

In "Newseum"

I like the Washington Post for a daily news, but i'm biased toward it, just because my family got it when i was young, so i bonded with it. Also, the New York Times just doesn't have a comic section. For weekly news The Economist is a favorite. The New Newseum should be pretty cool, too. The original was really awesome, all sorts of journalistic fun.

(limited to the most recent 20 comments)