He's been replaced already!
Personally, I am more miffed about Billie Piper leaving. She's signed on for some episodes of the new series, but she's a good actress... surprisingly.
Must say I'm loving the resurrection of Doctor Who. Never seen it before it returned to the Beeb, but watched every episode so far. It's GRRRRRREAT.
BUT. Guess who's going on vacation to Cyprus next saturday, approximately 30 minutes before "Bad Wolf" airs? Curse my bad timing!
If you have 500+ CD's I'd definitely recommend a 20GB (or more) version rather than the mini. Don't restrict yourself to an iPod either. I know they're the coolest, but there are some other great models out there and they're usually cheaper than the iPod.
As for me, I have about 100 or so CD's and I went for a 20GB Creative Nomad Zen about two years ago -- and I still love it.
Recently I've been listening to a guy called Devendra Banhart, who is brilliant, but quite weird. His voice is unlike anything you've ever heard, and his lyrics are certifiably insane.
"It turns out she was a 16 year old girl from upstate New York whose goth ex-boyfriend thought he was both a werewolf AND a vampire, and had a habit of bleeding from every orifice while screaming. She said he never actually changed into a beast, he just thought he might.
Believe me, if you're a real werewolf, you'll know it.
It begs the question, how does that dude have a girlfriend, and I don't?"
Get something in writing in case one of you dies. Seriously. I had a friend who ended up sharing his half of a restaurant with his dead partners wife.
Oh man, I read that as "partner's dead wife" and pictured people eating their empanadas whilst sat round a coffin. Not sure how hygienic that would be...
Oh by the way, I should add that almost every New Zealand sports team does their own version of the Haka... the All Blacks just happen to be the most famous.
And that first 3) in my above comment should be a 1), obviously.
3) League has 13 players, union has 15.
2) In league the team with the ball is allowed to be tackled 6 times by their opponents before they have to kick the ball or hand possession to the other team. There is no tackle-limit in union.
3) In league, tries are worth 4 points, conversions 2, penalties 2, and drop-goals 1. In union, it's 5, 2, 2 and 2 respectively.
League is more of a structured game, with line-outs and scrums not really playing much part - it's more about running with the ball. In union, the set-plays are of more significance, with the games being won by the forwards in the ruck and maul area, the line-out and the scrum.
But at the end of the day, both games are about getting the ball over the try-line. A fan of one code can easily watch the other code and understand what is going on and enjoy the match.
The link was down for me too, but it seems to working again now. I hate spiders with a deep, deep passion, yet somehow I still click the link?! The picture of the guy with the humungous spider on his hand make me feel slightly queasy... *shivers*
I was just about to say the same thing as Chaz. Except the version I know has "three for a girl".
posted by afx237vi 19 years ago
In "Turns out.. you don't know everything"
He's been replaced already! Personally, I am more miffed about Billie Piper leaving. She's signed on for some episodes of the new series, but she's a good actress... surprisingly.
posted by afx237vi 19 years ago
Must say I'm loving the resurrection of Doctor Who. Never seen it before it returned to the Beeb, but watched every episode so far. It's GRRRRRREAT. BUT. Guess who's going on vacation to Cyprus next saturday, approximately 30 minutes before "Bad Wolf" airs? Curse my bad timing!
posted by afx237vi 19 years ago
In "Ôwych!"
Everyone's swooning over Henson, but where's the love for Duncan Jones?! :D
posted by afx237vi 20 years ago
In "Help, Too Much iPod or Not Enough? "
If you have 500+ CD's I'd definitely recommend a 20GB (or more) version rather than the mini. Don't restrict yourself to an iPod either. I know they're the coolest, but there are some other great models out there and they're usually cheaper than the iPod. As for me, I have about 100 or so CD's and I went for a 20GB Creative Nomad Zen about two years ago -- and I still love it.
posted by afx237vi 20 years ago
In ""I never went to school for it.""
"I have eleven brothers and they're all sheep shearers." Mwuahahahaha.
posted by afx237vi 20 years ago
In "Most popular names of 2004"
#46 Archie Now that's just cruel.
posted by afx237vi 20 years ago
In "picture this:"
Link dead for anyone else?
posted by afx237vi 20 years ago
In "Tunes: "
This is really cool. There are some excellent artists here too; my favourites being Cornelius and MMJ...
posted by afx237vi 20 years ago
In "Curious George: Weird Music"
Recently I've been listening to a guy called Devendra Banhart, who is brilliant, but quite weird. His voice is unlike anything you've ever heard, and his lyrics are certifiably insane.
posted by afx237vi 20 years ago
In "Origami anyone can do"
Buy 20, get one free. How can you refuse?
posted by afx237vi 20 years ago
In "Musipedia,"
Nor to somebody who, despite trying lots, can't whistle :( Seriously though, I can't whistle. Am I a freak?
posted by afx237vi 20 years ago
In ""What? A blog about a guy who got bit by a werewolf? That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard." "
posted by afx237vi 20 years ago
In "Curious George - "
Get something in writing in case one of you dies. Seriously. I had a friend who ended up sharing his half of a restaurant with his dead partners wife. Oh man, I read that as "partner's dead wife" and pictured people eating their empanadas whilst sat round a coffin. Not sure how hygienic that would be...
posted by afx237vi 20 years ago
In "The Cat With Hands"
This is cool. Very creepy indeed.
posted by afx237vi 20 years ago
In "On the warpath:"
Oh by the way, I should add that almost every New Zealand sports team does their own version of the Haka... the All Blacks just happen to be the most famous. And that first 3) in my above comment should be a 1), obviously.
posted by afx237vi 20 years ago
3) League has 13 players, union has 15. 2) In league the team with the ball is allowed to be tackled 6 times by their opponents before they have to kick the ball or hand possession to the other team. There is no tackle-limit in union. 3) In league, tries are worth 4 points, conversions 2, penalties 2, and drop-goals 1. In union, it's 5, 2, 2 and 2 respectively. League is more of a structured game, with line-outs and scrums not really playing much part - it's more about running with the ball. In union, the set-plays are of more significance, with the games being won by the forwards in the ruck and maul area, the line-out and the scrum. But at the end of the day, both games are about getting the ball over the try-line. A fan of one code can easily watch the other code and understand what is going on and enjoy the match.
posted by afx237vi 20 years ago
In "What would it look like if millions of spiders spun webs in one place?"
The link was down for me too, but it seems to working again now. I hate spiders with a deep, deep passion, yet somehow I still click the link?! The picture of the guy with the humungous spider on his hand make me feel slightly queasy... *shivers*
posted by afx237vi 20 years ago
In "Arrse"
Hah, that's exactly what I thought too tracicle. FECK OFF! :P
posted by afx237vi 20 years ago
In "Am I an unwitting spammer?"
Thanks all. I did what mechagrue suggested and sent an email to my hosting company and forwarded them the message in question too.
posted by afx237vi 20 years ago
(limited to the most recent 20 comments)