In "The zombie dots have evolved!"

BTW, setting up a Malton Radio de los Monos is a very good idea.

Nick: Let's see, I spent about a year proudly serving in the Ridleybank Resistance Front zombie brigades, and then turned freelance, and as far as I know, there isn't much organised gameplay going on other than the ever-present Mall Tours. I suspect, however, that Kevan will be doing stuff in the near future to reinvigorate team play... I have no evidence for this, just a vague feeling. Anyway, I'm in SE Giddings, fully loaded up with 70 rounds in my pistols and ready to wreak righteous damage!

Incredible that this thread is still going, and I randomly happened to check in! Well, maybe not that randomly, I've been playing for the last two years. And have 24339 XP. It's pretty sad. Anyways, I will make my way over to the old wilds of P-bank shortly to meet y'all again.

Can I have the pass as well? Thanks! (I'm Perplexor)

Yep, I know that, but according to a site I saw, there are (or were) four levels: # Loosely # Lightly # Quite Strongly # Heavily I just have this weird memory that I saw a 'Very Strongly' barricaded building.

Is it possible to barricade a building to 'very strongly' and still get in? I'm sure I saw somewhere like that. Then again, I could have just been imagining it, what with the constant threat of zombies around and my brain in danger of being addled.

Steve, I've just revived you. While doing some roving, I noticed that Chas Ackman is among one of four zombies waiting outside the Davenport. Watch out guys...

w00t - thanks blag! I'm in. Actually Steve, just wait outside the church - that way I can tell which zombie you are tomorrow.

Phew - I was worried you guys were going to zombify me! Steve, if you head over to Davenport, then I can revivify you when I get more APs.


Ahhh!!! I'm stuck outside the Davenport with no APs, and the place is heavily barricaded! Can someone whack it down far enough so I can get in, please!?

I just revived the zombie. He's Chas Ackman - level 7, with pretty much every zombie skill there is. We have to fall back - I'm heading to Magg's Cinema myself.

ALERT - the cinema's barricade is done and a zombie is inside!

Made a trip to the Necrotech labs and used up about 15APs searching - found two syringes, two GPS units and a newspaper! So clearly repeatedly searching does work, but there's a lot of luck involved.

Just upgraded to L2 with Lab Experience. How many searches do you normally have to do to find something useful in the hospital or necrotech labs? I've searched about five times in each and found nothing... should I be spending more APs on searching? I wouldn't mind finding myself some first aid kits and needles soon. Incidentally, just after midnight GMT does seem to be the time to do DNA extraction, as someone else suggested. I got something like 50XP in a single patrol just by identifying a bunch of zombies.

Here's a question - I'm a L1 necrotech with only DNA extraction skills. Is it even worth me searching hospitals if I don't have the skill to use first aid kits or Lab experience? I've been to the hospital a few times recently and searched for stuff repeatedly, but haven't found anything, so I have a suspicion that all of this searching is totally futile until I have the ability to use this stuff I'm looking for. As a further point, when I've searched inside Necrotech buildings, I've picked up DNA extraction kits and books (which I can use).

Update: I (Perplexor) did a bit of scouting and DNA extraction, netting a bunch of XP. The hospital and the necrotech building to the south have both had their barricades broken down and have several zombies inside. There are a number of zombies roving around in general - I suspect it's only a matter of time before they start attacking our cinema... Plus, one of them had the gall to attack me for 4HP while I was moving around!

There were a couple of zombies hanging around outside the cinema when I checked just now, which was slightly concerning. I loped around the surrounding blocks picking up a book and DNA extractor. Noticed that the Library (or somewhere nearby) has a bunch of zombies inside it along with the humans. Luckily our barricade is still 'quite strong'

I just joined up as Perplexor - a crappy level 1 necrotech. Hopefully I can be of some help! Any advice on getting XP? So far, most zombies seem to have already had their DNA extracted - only one success out of many tries. Haven't found any items at all, despite searching in the hospital and necrotech labs. I did get some XP from reading my book though.

In ""

In the UK, Craig Charles (of Red Dwarf fame) does a dub of Takeshi's Castle for the Challenge Network, I think. We kept the name though :) Classic drunken post-night-out viewing.

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