In "Larry levels banana crop."

sorry forgot about the peeling part. Excellent for smoothies as well as making homemade icecream.

they go black but you can still eat them.

Thank you everyone. Parents are ok but alot of tree damage going through fences but not through there houses ( thank goodness!). Just the sound of chainsaws has replaced the sound of the wind.Hopefully some sun to dry everything out until the next one comes along. Hopefully this one goes somewhere unpopulated. I had a pause when I put a banana on my weet bix's this morning.I belive the price has doubled for a banana now!! Around 6 bucks a kilo!

First time post but very stressful day yesterday as my parents live in Cairns and I grew up there but now live in Sydney. Something like 180km per hr winds in Cairns yesterday morning lasted for around 5-7 hrs which I thought was quite a short time for a cyclone but Cairns is around 1-2 hrs drive from Innisfail.Called family and friends while it was happening power off but the phones worked.Thank god for underground phone network! Lot's of tree damage as the ground was still wet form the weekedn before where they got something like 10inches in 12 hours! Another cyclone is on the way!!!!

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