One of the greatest writers (and humans) in the history of man and this is the best fpp you can come up with? egad.
I was mostly speechless when it happened =(
Basically, what happens is that there is a Interests, Favourite TC Shows, Favourite Books section etc, in the main profile. From the page that represents the entire college, say Keene State College, you can find what the most popular favourite book (by numbers) is in that college.
I'll post a couple of poems...I think the first one applies to us all:
Dot GenerationTo my generation.
We live in the shadows of coffeestained nights
plagued by early-morning jitters,
searching for ourselves,
in empty pages of flash and Java.
Stumbling on pages,
searching for ourselves.
The pale light of monitors casts visages upon our own,
.jpeg's, .mp3's, .doc's,
.com, .org, .gov, .net, .edu
searching for ourselves.
404, 207, white box / red x, broken link.
Youtube, yahoo, google, digg, wikipedia
my spacebar space, books filled of forgotten faces,
searching for ourselves,
googling our generation,
.me, .you, .us
The bed seems so big since you left it.
Its twisted and coiled sheets so lonely without you here.
Yet the indelible impression of your body remains;
on the bed and in my head.
The sculpted impression of your head
is molded into the cottonwhite pillow
that contrasted so beautifully with your hair.
Our scents hang in the air above me like a wedding veil.
It seems so long ago, oh, it seems so long ago when hours ago
you and I, together forever in memory,
belonged to the breathless world of fullbodied touches.
Our honeyed lips and satined skin
roiled and flowed with the sheets
that encased us like a womb:
a resolute barrier against the emptying night.
Still, our unending kisses had to end,
and the passionmarks that resulted will fade with time.
And you my love, you too will fade with time,
and so will I,
until nothing of us remains.
Except this,
You know, I might just be able to make this my first ever MoFi meetup, but I still have to run it through a few people, but I might be able to do it. =)
One of the greatest writers (and humans) in the history of man and this is the best fpp you can come up with? egad. I was mostly speechless when it happened =(
posted by VertexOfLife 17 years ago
In "Henry Lizardlover "
Hah, I think it's awesome. =P
posted by VertexOfLife 17 years ago
In "Is "Canadian" the new racial slur in the American South?"
Man, there's nothing more ironic than gay-bashing-closeted-homosexual-Republicans...
posted by VertexOfLife 17 years ago
In "Books that make you dumb."
Basically, what happens is that there is a Interests, Favourite TC Shows, Favourite Books section etc, in the main profile. From the page that represents the entire college, say Keene State College, you can find what the most popular favourite book (by numbers) is in that college.
posted by VertexOfLife 17 years ago
In "Library of Congress posts 3000+ pictures on Flickr"
Congress* damnit =P
posted by VertexOfLife 17 years ago
In "Benazir Bhutto Assassinated"
No! =( .
posted by VertexOfLife 17 years ago
In "Tattoo Santa."
posted by VertexOfLife 17 years ago
In "Death Penalty Repealed In New Jersey"
posted by VertexOfLife 17 years ago
In "Kucinich booted from Iowa debate."
It was still interesting to see Obama lay the smackdown on Clinton. My dream is Obama/Kucinich '08.
posted by VertexOfLife 17 years ago
In "Alchemical and Hermetic Emblems"
Hank. I love you. Thank you. )))))!!
posted by VertexOfLife 17 years ago
In "C.I.A. Destroyed Tapes of Interrogations"
-heavy sigh-
posted by VertexOfLife 17 years ago
In "Top 10 Craziest Star Wars Tattoos."
While on the topic of Geek/Nerd tattoos, my highschool Fantasty lit teacher is getting the One Ring inscription on her shoulder blades.
posted by VertexOfLife 17 years ago
In "Cypriot cave filled with dwarf hippos' remains."
In related news I didn't know that 'Cypriot' was the correct name for 'from Cyprus.'
posted by VertexOfLife 17 years ago
In "Human hair + mushrooms + tanker oil = beautiful roadside landscaping."
That is really cool.
posted by VertexOfLife 17 years ago
In "Hand in Hand."
Wow, that was really amazing. Thank you.
posted by VertexOfLife 17 years ago
In "Mystery Meat Macrophotography"
I am so glad I am a vegetarian right now. Bleaugh!
posted by VertexOfLife 17 years ago
In "SelfpostFilter Returns"
I'll post a couple of poems...I think the first one applies to us all: Dot Generation To my generation. We live in the shadows of coffeestained nights plagued by early-morning jitters, searching for ourselves, in empty pages of flash and Java. Stumbling on pages, searching for ourselves. The pale light of monitors casts visages upon our own, .jpeg's, .mp3's, .doc's, .com, .org, .gov, .net, .edu .generation searching for ourselves. 404, 207, white box / red x, broken link. Youtube, yahoo, google, digg, wikipedia my spacebar space, books filled of forgotten faces, searching for ourselves, googling our generation, .me, .you, .us ------------------------------------------- Emptiness The bed seems so big since you left it. Its twisted and coiled sheets so lonely without you here. Yet the indelible impression of your body remains; on the bed and in my head. The sculpted impression of your head is molded into the cottonwhite pillow that contrasted so beautifully with your hair. Our scents hang in the air above me like a wedding veil. It seems so long ago, oh, it seems so long ago when hours ago you and I, together forever in memory, belonged to the breathless world of fullbodied touches. Our honeyed lips and satined skin roiled and flowed with the sheets that encased us like a womb: a resolute barrier against the emptying night. Still, our unending kisses had to end, and the passionmarks that resulted will fade with time. And you my love, you too will fade with time, and so will I, until nothing of us remains. Except this, here.
posted by VertexOfLife 17 years ago
In "9 Most Badass Bible Verses"
Shit. That was supposed to be VERSES.
posted by VertexOfLife 17 years ago
In "mini Massive Mofirc Meetup:"
I need a little more information...where exactly in the city is this, and is there anyplace to sleep over? =P
posted by VertexOfLife 17 years ago
You know, I might just be able to make this my first ever MoFi meetup, but I still have to run it through a few people, but I might be able to do it. =)
posted by VertexOfLife 17 years ago
(limited to the most recent 20 comments)