One of these days I am going to get that IBM pic on a t-shirt.
Since we are on the topic of swass microscopy tools, I would like to point out that they (i.e. them) are making some great headway on Atom Probes. Imago makes a Local Electron Atom Probe that (they say) runs full 3d imaging of individual atoms on a grander scale than something like STM. Plus, it too results in pretty pictures... albeit in a more pointalistic fashion.
This is (an excellent) viral for the new Ugly Duckling album.
On a related note, the album is really, really good (if you like the kids today, with their rappin' and such).
I think there needs to be a distinction drawn between "the net as a compendium of information" and "the net as a tool to easily organize and find information from other sources". On the whole, I use the internet often on a day to day basis to find information, mostly journal articles and authors. However, the articles that I find, though they could be downloaded from the net, weren't orignally written in html.
This post reminded me of a site that used to be around that let someone send an anonymous email to a friend/coworker etc. letting them know about a potentially embarissing problem they may have. I couldn't find the original site, but this one seems to serve the same purpose.
Posts like this are why I come to this site. Well, that and the uber-sexy color scheme. In fact, it's only because of the color scheme.
On a side note (and by "side" I mean "on topic"), I haven't read any Lovecraft... any recommendations on one or two stories to start with?
My favorite part of this site? The hate mail from people who think the author is American. I didn't take the time to peruse the site to see if there is any damning evidence to the author's nationality one way or another, but I wonder what percentage of people who write in to this guy assume he is American vs. Canadian vs. one that hails from the fair land of Qatar? It would be interesting to see the breakdown.
I was wondering the same thing out here in Chaska. It's an ad for a story the local news is doing post-oscars.
posted by TractorInc 20 years ago
In "brave woman"
Damn you people! What rule was that again?
posted by TractorInc 20 years ago
In "Standing waves of electrons."
One of these days I am going to get that IBM pic on a t-shirt. Since we are on the topic of swass microscopy tools, I would like to point out that they (i.e. them) are making some great headway on Atom Probes. Imago makes a Local Electron Atom Probe that (they say) runs full 3d imaging of individual atoms on a grander scale than something like STM. Plus, it too results in pretty pictures... albeit in a more pointalistic fashion.
posted by TractorInc 20 years ago
In "MeatShake"
This is (an excellent) viral for the new Ugly Duckling album. On a related note, the album is really, really good (if you like the kids today, with their rappin' and such).
posted by TractorInc 20 years ago
In "What is not on the net."
I think there needs to be a distinction drawn between "the net as a compendium of information" and "the net as a tool to easily organize and find information from other sources". On the whole, I use the internet often on a day to day basis to find information, mostly journal articles and authors. However, the articles that I find, though they could be downloaded from the net, weren't orignally written in html.
posted by TractorInc 20 years ago
In "The Complete Works of HP Lovecraft"
Done and done. Thanks!
posted by TractorInc 20 years ago
In "Let's talk body odor."
This post reminded me of a site that used to be around that let someone send an anonymous email to a friend/coworker etc. letting them know about a potentially embarissing problem they may have. I couldn't find the original site, but this one seems to serve the same purpose.
posted by TractorInc 20 years ago
In "The Complete Works of HP Lovecraft"
Posts like this are why I come to this site. Well, that and the uber-sexy color scheme. In fact, it's only because of the color scheme. On a side note (and by "side" I mean "on topic"), I haven't read any Lovecraft... any recommendations on one or two stories to start with?
posted by TractorInc 20 years ago
In "Australia. Crap, apparently."
My favorite part of this site? The hate mail from people who think the author is American. I didn't take the time to peruse the site to see if there is any damning evidence to the author's nationality one way or another, but I wonder what percentage of people who write in to this guy assume he is American vs. Canadian vs. one that hails from the fair land of Qatar? It would be interesting to see the breakdown.
posted by TractorInc 20 years ago
In "See Otto"
I dig it. Reminiscent of the Road Runner cartoons, which were always a personal favorite.
posted by TractorInc 20 years ago
(limited to the most recent 20 comments)