Check out library book sales. Even with ex-library markings, some books can still go for some real money. I got a bunch of out-of-print biographies of Confederate Generals at a library book sale and sold them for some big bucks on Ebay.
Like everyone else has said, find a subject, author, art style, etc. you like and concentrate on those. As you get more familiar with your particular niche, you'll know what is worth money and what isn't and you'll be able to spot good deals.
I buy books because I love them. If I can get something inexpensive for resale, that is just a bonus.
Dept. of the Army Pamphlet 10-1 [pdf] might help. As others suggested, probably reading current war blogs would be could for some reality, slang, the way things really work as opposed to above-linked pamphlet, etc. Some roundups of war blogs here and here.
Not only do they have the bios and all the artwork, they sell stuff too. I used to deal with them a lot, I can not recommend their service and merchandise enough.
I am in now way affiliated with, nor ever have been, with Bud Plant Illustrated Books.
Because I worked 5+ years answering a ready-reference hotline at a public library, maybe I'm a little biased (and also missing something): Where's the World Almanac, and the first reference type book I see doesn't clock in until #86, Bartlett's Familiar Quotations. I thought every library had the World Almanac and the World Book Encyclopedia. Even with the internet, we could find a lot of stuff quicker in those two sources.
At some point some statistics showed comics with gorillas on the cover sold well. So during the reign of DC editor Julius Schwartz there were tons of DC comics with apes on the covers.
I just couldn't let a Gorilla Comic Cover Index get by without someone sharing that.
Carrboro, North Carolina is nice. It's artsy, yet close to the high-tech area of Research Triangle Park. Also colleges (NC State, UNC, and Duke) close by. I believe the residents are fighting like the devil to keep developers out. Even though NC went for Bush, 66% of the people in Orange County voted for Kerry.
The fact that Parlock has had two similiar run-ins in the past reminds me of a spiritual axiom I once heard: If you run into three jerks in one day, its time to take a look at yourself.
Check out library book sales. Even with ex-library markings, some books can still go for some real money. I got a bunch of out-of-print biographies of Confederate Generals at a library book sale and sold them for some big bucks on Ebay. Like everyone else has said, find a subject, author, art style, etc. you like and concentrate on those. As you get more familiar with your particular niche, you'll know what is worth money and what isn't and you'll be able to spot good deals. I buy books because I love them. If I can get something inexpensive for resale, that is just a bonus.
posted by Tomas 19 years ago
In "Curious George - A Guide to the Military for Dummies"
Dept. of the Army Pamphlet 10-1 [pdf] might help. As others suggested, probably reading current war blogs would be could for some reality, slang, the way things really work as opposed to above-linked pamphlet, etc. Some roundups of war blogs here and here.
posted by Tomas 19 years ago
In "Curious George:"
Cheney is probably helping Haliburton get ready for when they get the no-bid contract to rebuild New Orleans.
posted by Tomas 19 years ago
In "The 100-year CD-ROM is a myth,"
If it is text or b&w photos, dead trees still work very well...
posted by Tomas 20 years ago
In "Bud Plant Illustrated Books"
Not only do they have the bios and all the artwork, they sell stuff too. I used to deal with them a lot, I can not recommend their service and merchandise enough. I am in now way affiliated with, nor ever have been, with Bud Plant Illustrated Books.
posted by Tomas 20 years ago
In "Needing more bookmarks."
Two of my favorite blogs/personal websites: 42short
posted by Tomas 20 years ago
In "Top 1000"
Because I worked 5+ years answering a ready-reference hotline at a public library, maybe I'm a little biased (and also missing something): Where's the World Almanac, and the first reference type book I see doesn't clock in until #86, Bartlett's Familiar Quotations. I thought every library had the World Almanac and the World Book Encyclopedia. Even with the internet, we could find a lot of stuff quicker in those two sources.
posted by Tomas 20 years ago
In "The Gorilla Comic Cover Index"
At some point some statistics showed comics with gorillas on the cover sold well. So during the reign of DC editor Julius Schwartz there were tons of DC comics with apes on the covers. I just couldn't let a Gorilla Comic Cover Index get by without someone sharing that.
posted by Tomas 20 years ago
In "Curious George: Emigrating within the U.S."
Carrboro, North Carolina is nice. It's artsy, yet close to the high-tech area of Research Triangle Park. Also colleges (NC State, UNC, and Duke) close by. I believe the residents are fighting like the devil to keep developers out. Even though NC went for Bush, 66% of the people in Orange County voted for Kerry.
posted by Tomas 20 years ago
Everyone be sure and vote for the rich white guy.
posted by Tomas 20 years ago
In "Viral Marketing, Republican Style"
The fact that Parlock has had two similiar run-ins in the past reminds me of a spiritual axiom I once heard: If you run into three jerks in one day, its time to take a look at yourself.
posted by Tomas 20 years ago
In ""
I believe the train also served as the tablecloth.
posted by Tomas 20 years ago
(limited to the most recent 20 comments)