"coat the body with oil" (what kind of oil?)
"if skin is oily" (does that include if I've covered my skin in mazzola oil in step 1?)
Also, I think this article needs better photos, not just line drawings.
"what it was like to fall in love with Bob Dylan at 17" ... "Rotolo deeply loved Dylan, who was 20 when they met."
Is there a time warp, some bad fact checking, or just a strange misunderstanding.
I guess you can fall in love with someone before you meet them, but it's more of an infatuation at that point.
tl;dr I just scanned it to see if monkeys said "porn, not porn", but I didn't see any porn and stopped looking.
posted by Sloot 16 years ago
In "Curious George: Hip Business Name? "
Mahna Mahna was originally written for an italian softcore porn movie http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mah_Nà_Mah_Nà
posted by Sloot 16 years ago
In "Swedish bailout *revised* for America?"
what about taking the cash out of the CEO's bonuses?
posted by Sloot 16 years ago
In "PSA: National Canadian Do Not Call List."
yeah, so stop calling me!
posted by Sloot 16 years ago
In "Iran Missiles Photoshopped?"
I can't believe that this was done just to cover up a single missile that didn't launch.
posted by Sloot 16 years ago
In "The Continuum of Cute."
Lara: you're supposed to rearrange the pics to what YOU think is cutest
posted by Sloot 16 years ago
In "Worst Album Covers EVAR "
#4 is brilliant. it's only bad if you're unfamiliar with the original
posted by Sloot 16 years ago
In "Biggest self-portrait in the world"
it's a fake :-( which is too bad, because this was cool.
posted by Sloot 16 years ago
In "How to take a shower."
"coat the body with oil" (what kind of oil?) "if skin is oily" (does that include if I've covered my skin in mazzola oil in step 1?) Also, I think this article needs better photos, not just line drawings.
posted by Sloot 16 years ago
In "The pro *always* gets the shot,"
maybe a ball would be even safer. javelins should be banned. every year there are hundreds of unnecessary injuries.
posted by Sloot 16 years ago
In "I once loved a woman, a child I'm told / I gave her my heart, but she wanted my soul..."
mea culpa.
posted by Sloot 16 years ago
I think there should be a maximum length to comments so that people don't post lyrics to ancient songs buy old dead guys. ;-)
posted by Sloot 16 years ago
"what it was like to fall in love with Bob Dylan at 17" ... "Rotolo deeply loved Dylan, who was 20 when they met." Is there a time warp, some bad fact checking, or just a strange misunderstanding. I guess you can fall in love with someone before you meet them, but it's more of an infatuation at that point.
posted by Sloot 16 years ago
In "Things Younger Than John McCain"
that's freaking insane!
posted by Sloot 16 years ago
In "Dead Man Eating"
interesting site, but I can't read the crimes, and I can't read the site without reading the crimes. fucking humanity.
posted by Sloot 16 years ago
In "Caption this pic."
Ray realized that he shouldn't have had Mexican for lunch.
posted by Sloot 16 years ago
In "Instant Rimshot"
how fat was she?
posted by Sloot 16 years ago
In "A model for self-denial"
A SECRET SOCIETY OF BACON!!! Why didn't anyone tell me about this? oh, right, it's a secret... damn
posted by Sloot 16 years ago
In "It's A Flee Country!"
Fiji. I'm going to fiji. or mars... I haven't decided yet.
posted by Sloot 16 years ago
In ""...it is not inappropriate to an organisation that’s looking to have a firm grip on Government spend.""
accordion guy told me about this days ago.
posted by Sloot 16 years ago
(limited to the most recent 20 comments)