In "This site"

This is very good. Thank you Wolof! I'm still laughing at the final "Kent's tuck inn fried chicken". The Bad Language section is good too.

In "The end of music. "

I have one that is coming to my mind:

The Walkmen - Bows & Arrows
Can't stand this song.

In "What the hell? "

That's disturbing... Really. At least, my number is not there and I've learned a new Google operand!

In "¿Monstera Deliciosa?"

The appelation "swiss cheese plant" isn't very appetizing for me. Jimbecile, have tasted it?

In "Escher Web Sketch"

It reminds me of Deluxe Paint, a drawing software I used to twiddle with when I got my first computer, over a decade ago. It had a similar reflexion tool. Hours of fun creating patterns like this.

In "WTF!?"

I like his style but... his pages are excessively too large. is over 6MB (I got tired of watching it loading after 5 minutes). Broadband *recommended* that he said on one of the splash pages... (oh.. and it's my first comment here!)

(limited to the most recent 20 comments)