It's funny how these politicians keep talking about protecting the hearts and minds of our children. If that's what they really cared about then they'd be reassuring the legality of same-sex marriage, not persecuting people who don't manufacture worm-children. Bloody hell, even then there are already more than enough Earth-monkeys here to cover Botswana some six hundred and fifty feet deep.
Nice brain-meats, Gerald. Reeeeal nice and smooth-like.
To be honest, a hobbit-hole would make an awesome house. Build it in a mountainside overlooking a city - say somewhere near San Jose - get electricity, water, and gas lines, and you're set.
I wouldn't exactly go for this, though. Way too long of a commute... and I like having access to urban centers.
Damnit. When I was a little worm-smeet I thought Japan was cool. Then I started learning about how common it is for some random asshole to grope some chick on the subway (not to mention all varieties of other depressing stuffs), and now this. For a country with such a renowned system of education they certainly don't seem to be "educating" much.
And I also thought of school textbooks as a pretty good authority on their subject(s)... but I suppose that some people are psychos who don't have the brains (or gamete-sacs) to face their prejudices and acknowledge the facts... and thus we get a democracy of the few, those small groups of imbeciles who don't have anything better to do than talk about whatever their stupid agenda is.
Somehow I'm not very surprised. It certainly seems fitting considering the current standards of the mainstream motion picture market. People sure do seem to love their stupidity.
Determining intelligence based on internet access. Why of course - so much can be learned from Myspaces, YTMND and FARK. Especially quantum mechanics.
posted by Pyrokinesis 19 years ago
In "Holy Crap. The Most Annoying Girl In The World."
Yeah, she's annoying and all that. But... wait... is that a Star of David on her chest? Egads. My ethnic group sucks more than I thought.
posted by Pyrokinesis 19 years ago
In "An Alabama State Represenatative doesn't see that banning of homosexual authors and books with homosexual characters as censorship."
It's funny how these politicians keep talking about protecting the hearts and minds of our children. If that's what they really cared about then they'd be reassuring the legality of same-sex marriage, not persecuting people who don't manufacture worm-children. Bloody hell, even then there are already more than enough Earth-monkeys here to cover Botswana some six hundred and fifty feet deep. Nice brain-meats, Gerald. Reeeeal nice and smooth-like.
posted by Pyrokinesis 19 years ago
In "Virtual tour of a real-life Hobbit hole."
To be honest, a hobbit-hole would make an awesome house. Build it in a mountainside overlooking a city - say somewhere near San Jose - get electricity, water, and gas lines, and you're set. I wouldn't exactly go for this, though. Way too long of a commute... and I like having access to urban centers.
posted by Pyrokinesis 19 years ago
In ""Take me, Judas""
Take note of the fact that the CWN website has a purple theme.
posted by Pyrokinesis 19 years ago
In "Police want to add monkey to SWAT team."
At least they're using Capuchins... most unappreciated species of monkey ever.
posted by Pyrokinesis 19 years ago
In "Leviathan:"
Nice find. I remember when I was a little Earth-larvae, chumming it up with Nameless Dread. He wasn't such an asshat back then.
posted by Pyrokinesis 19 years ago
In "Proof that the Idaho State Legislature has a healthy sense of humor..."
Hey, it's a good movie. It's certainly more justified than, say, commending "The Matrix: Reloaded" for promoting the IT industry/idustries.
posted by Pyrokinesis 19 years ago
In "The war on history"
Damnit. When I was a little worm-smeet I thought Japan was cool. Then I started learning about how common it is for some random asshole to grope some chick on the subway (not to mention all varieties of other depressing stuffs), and now this. For a country with such a renowned system of education they certainly don't seem to be "educating" much. And I also thought of school textbooks as a pretty good authority on their subject(s)... but I suppose that some people are psychos who don't have the brains (or gamete-sacs) to face their prejudices and acknowledge the facts... and thus we get a democracy of the few, those small groups of imbeciles who don't have anything better to do than talk about whatever their stupid agenda is.
posted by Pyrokinesis 19 years ago
In "Mostly Harmless"
Somehow I'm not very surprised. It certainly seems fitting considering the current standards of the mainstream motion picture market. People sure do seem to love their stupidity.
posted by Pyrokinesis 19 years ago
(limited to the most recent 20 comments)