In "Curious George and his Crocs."

Flat, problematic feet battered to hell by hockey skates--I bought crocs in Minnesota (following a chorus of recommendations in the blue) and recommend them to anyone who asks and some who don't. They feel great. They *never* smell. They do, admittedly, look stupid. Mickey-mouse-like. It's a small price to pay. I never saw a pair worn before I got mine. A month or two later, in downtown Manhattan, I see them everywhere, not just on hipsters and old people. Bartenders, nurses, the cashiers at the supermarket, college kids. So I can't wear them in London. Big deal. 48 times earnings (Symbol: CROX) means we're a bit late to the party, I suppose. Damned hippie capitalists.

In "Exporting green and leafy water"

A terrible situation. But a wild coincidence.

In "Curious George: Do you play video/computer games?"

Violence, conspiracy theories, spies, commandos, playable on Windows, that's my thing. --Thief and sequelae --Deus Ex 1 and 2 --Splinter Cell and Rainbow 6 Series (until the Clancy politics drive me away for a while) --Full Spectrum Warrior --Half-Life and expansions: Although now quaint, Half-Life the original was the most profound gaming experience. I was there, man. HL 2. --Liked the GTA series, loved and miss Interstate '76 , a ca. 1997 game. But I'd never buy a console game. That's for addicts. About your age, Roly.

In "Cornell researchers build a robot that can reproduce"

"it performs no useful function except to self-replicate" I feel that way a lot.

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