In "Curious George: Espresso machines favored by monkeys."

Five years ago my boss went to sbucks and bought a pump machine, it really was a rebranded Saeco aroma. We use it every day and never had a problem (minor cleaning). Now we are hooked on pods as they are fast and less hassle but it works fine with the ground brown. The one we use looks much like this Saeco Classico. A bit over your price window but it still works great after 5 years and it is ready in 6 min. Enjoy

In "Who wants to be? They are."

"Eat the rich." posted by squidranch Just be sure to cook them fully, parasites you know. /opens closet, chooses pitchfork.

In "WaterFireplace"

FTA "No idea on how much this thing will cost" Where i work we sell this brand of fireplaces and my understanding is it will retail for $20,000. to $36,000 US (custom made). You might need to tack some solar panels to your roof to offset the dent to your power bill for the 220v device. A very cool addition to the clifftop house i do not have. "I was under the impression that it was very difficult to make a workable and efficient device to split hydrogen from oxygen?" Very true, but that is not what this is about with it's 220V 60 amp service. Efficient converson? unlikely, Efficient heat, yes 100%. However i have not seen the real numbers to calculate heating cost vs other heater types. Very good for your lungs and a good starting kick in the ass for household hydrogen source heating.

In "The Pending Banana Apocalypse."

Fusarium (Panama disease)in it’s various flavors (twenty-four Fusarium species in Hawaii alone) is a huge problem for all sorts of crops such as potatoes, wheat, and things with green leaves. Naturally it does not help things when US anti drug efforts include spraying it from planes as part of a strategy "to eliminate Colombia's total coca and opium poppy production by 2005". “The mycoherbicide currently being touted by the drug warriors is Fusarium oxysporum, which first caught the attention of U.S. authorities in the 1970s when a Coca Cola-owned coca plantation in Hawaii was decimated by a mysterious plague.” "Threats (from Fusarium) so compelling that Florida has suspended plans to test the fungus for its own anti-drug efforts."Motherjones. Just when I think things could not get any worse….. stupid stupid stupid. Then i think bananas, frozen bananas yummmmm...and i feel all better.

In "Blame Canada!!!"

I will be visiting Denmark soon and will discuss Chyren’s wrestling solution with the locals over beer, “cakes & decent food”. Perhaps I can find some volunteers who want to take on my goose-bumped neighbors to the north in a crust flinging, beer drinking kind of conflict (if the committee can agree on what outfits to wear). I will report back right after I recover from the herring, aquavit and pastry hangover.

In "Is YOUR home planet warming up? Simply but this 300 trillion dollar ring around it!"

This is certainly one of the more stupid things I have heard. “$40,000 for every man, woman, and child on Earth” For $17000. every American person could have a photovoltaic power system (really for much less after market forces drive down the price). Ethiopians could do it for much less naturally. I like Argh’s Fecal Ring, future space stations could collect it for fertilizer in our orbiting space greenhouses. And we would still see the stars. I say plant trees, lots and lots of trees and put ozone generators on the wingtips of high flying planes.

In "Be buried down under."

Feed the birds I say. Similar to sugarmilktea’s plan, however this version is the Atkins/lo carb way. In fact no cooking at all, just gross hacking, smashing and feeding birds. Sky burial (not for the squeamish, you were warned) Remember all those cremation fires use fossil fuels/trees that pollute when burned. Maybe a giant compost pile someplace……… Or being turned into diamonds ......


This is why I joined the Unitarian Jihad. “We will take over television studios, kidnap so-called commentators and broadcast calm, well-reasoned discussions of the issues of the day." This UU/Lry'r lifted it from here, Yours truly Brother Rail Gun of Looking at All Sides of the Question PS: tinky-winky is gay but i dont care.

In "Curious George: tracking wires through walls."

As for phone wires try this:Diy from :here Monkeyfilter:where they all disappear in a gaggle of old, dusty wires.

Depends on what you have for tools. Personally I use a toner as suggested above. Before I could afford that I would have used a good 9v or one of those low voltage wallworts transformer things and a voltmeter. Connect to one basement wire (center coax wire not jacket) then test all outlets for that voltage, drawing a map as you go.(be sure to disconnect all cable devices before doing this, and stay below 12 volts) Next in low budget testing: Take a coaxial cord put on TV, in basement connect one unknown cable to a signal source (The cable box or a vcr/dvd with a tape/disk playing) then drag your TV or the long cable around(with volume turned up) and connect to each outlet in turn, mapping as you go. Be thorough and take notes, bet you could do it in under an hour. Bonus points if you tag each cable and outlet as you go. Enjoy

In "Sir (or ma'am), you're making a scene."

In the town I grew up in we had us a “bible college”. Every year a new crop of students would wander the downtown area and try to convert the locals. We as youth probably looked like we needed to be “saved” and were waiting for them. They would ask in polite small voices if we had been saved yet and so on. We naturally would respond in loud street theater style and try to engage them in debates over the advantages of other belief systems. Anything to get a rise out of them, weird offers and so on. Later there policy became for them to only go out in teams of 4 and avoid us, the trench coated ones. Ahhhh good times. (Believe what you want, but if you try to force it down our throats you were fair game for our street theater) I also had a ugly break-up in a busy restaurant, (I was the dumpee) that included dodging flung food as I made my exit (she got me with a baked potato).

In "Curious, George: Dealing with depression"

I have been an acupuncture client for 15 years and go to her first for something unless it is falling off or broken. Second on the “Finding a good practitioner is key” as I have gone to a few who were a bit out there. Keep in mind that acupuncture can be subtle and will take longer than a 400mg something or other. Also realize that you need to do all the other good stuff too, getting enough sleep, eating well and so on. Otherwise you will get that look like you told your personal trainer “yes I did my 50 sit-ups then ate 25 Twinkies chased by a black n tan”. A few suggestions…If possible plan your treatments to treat your self well. What you say? For example on my days I like to sleep in, soak at the hot springs, then get my treatment. Followed by a nice nap ahhhhhh. The use of relaxation tapes and/or self hypnosis will get you extra mileage and feel sooo good. Whatever we choose to do, don’t forget to take a deep breath, smile and relax. not because i say so, because you choose to......

In "Curious George: Back-ups."

I just went through this and my choice was cd/dvd burner. I can use cheep cd's or dvd's and watch movies. As far as long term stability goes use the right pen to mark them and no stickers (bad glue bad). Also dont forget to test those backups and redo them from time to time to preempt those bad blocks.

In "artpad"

Thanks, very fun and for me a free painting lesson watching step by step as they become...

In "Fascism"

"So if they're not fascists, what are they?" On the way to being rich despots. Despotism (wikipedia) Despotism, Encyclopaedia Britannica Films 1946 (11 min)

In "Judge orders Abu Ghraib videos, pictures released. "

What Chyren said and…”Please name one occasion in recent memory where they 'covered my butt'?”.. Vietnam….no, Panama… no, Somalia…no, Granada… no and on and on. And as far as the Nixon administration being seen for what it was, hmmm not really. How many former (tricky dick) Nixon people have high ranking jobs? Lots. And if anyone has not read War Is a Racket by Smedley Butler please do so, it shows this kind of crap has been going on for a long long time. (also mentioned here)

This is just one of the many reasons that i have had a ACLU membership longer than a drivers license. Fta "It is indeed ironic that the government invoked the Geneva Conventions as a basis for withholding these photographs,"

In "Curiously Oversensitive George"

Eat More Soybeans

In "The Ten Most Harmful Books"

Yes a very "pathetically predictable list". However looking at it, my irony meter pegged for a moment. They provided nice amazon links so we can buy these "dangerous books", do they get a commision?(i cant decode the links). Bash books, link, profit! Follow the money.....

In "Curious George"

Is it that hard? No, If it was me i would look around that chilly lab and find the thermostat and turn it up (if it is not locked). There is probably a laser printer or something venting hot air on that stat and thereby kicking up that cool breeze of yours. As a former building operator i will tell you to fill out a work order or do it yourself, heh. Most of the time whomever runs your lab likes it that temp. Time after time i would answer hot/cold calls from some assistant only to discover the boss or office mate with more power likes it the way it is. Building supers Love to see Girls smuggling raisins This is so true

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