But you see, you're missing the point here homunculus. All of this is a good thing. They know where you live so they can take your order more efficiently and save your precious time. They know you have a heart condition they prepare a special meal just for you, that's because they care for you.
All they want is for you to have a better life.
NetFuture is an electronic newsletter with postings every two-to-four weeks or so. It looks beyond the generally recognized "risks" of computer use such as privacy violations, unequal access, censorship, and dangerous computer glitches. It seeks especially to address those deep levels at which we half-consciously shape technology and are shaped by it. What is half-conscious can, after all, be made fully conscious, and we can take responsibility for it.
As seen at MeFi.
It just reached $65,000 and there's still 6 days before the auction ends. Knowing that the auctions are really starting during the last minutes, some people have way to much money.
Ok, that's 3 minutes of my life I'll never get back.
posted by McSly 20 years ago
In "2-mile wide mushroom cloud spotted in North Korea."
The North Koreans, when they do their first nuclear test, they'll do it underground right? They are not stupid enough to do it in the atmosphere.
posted by McSly 20 years ago
In "The Scientists Agree: Top 10 SCI-fi Movies of all Times..."
Not a lot of old movies on the list besides "The Day the Earth Stood Still". I liked "Forbidden Planet" a lot. Also "Metropolis" is a great movie.
posted by McSly 20 years ago
In "Poorly-drawn cartoons inspired by actual spam subject lines."
The ultimate men's health solution
This is so true.
posted by McSly 20 years ago
In "Ordering pizza in a surveillance society."
But you see, you're missing the point here homunculus. All of this is a good thing. They know where you live so they can take your order more efficiently and save your precious time. They know you have a heart condition they prepare a special meal just for you, that's because they care for you. All they want is for you to have a better life.
posted by McSly 20 years ago
In "Some monkeys will be repulsed, others will laugh their asses off."
Yeah, not funny
posted by McSly 20 years ago
In "Curious George: Action Movie Villains"
Daniel Day-Lewis in Gangs of New York
posted by McSly 20 years ago
In "Gun safety presenter shoots self"
You think he's gonna get a Darwin Award?
posted by McSly 20 years ago
In "Curious George: Email lists"
NetFuture is an electronic newsletter with postings every two-to-four weeks or so. It looks beyond the generally recognized "risks" of computer use such as privacy violations, unequal access, censorship, and dangerous computer glitches. It seeks especially to address those deep levels at which we half-consciously shape technology and are shaped by it. What is half-conscious can, after all, be made fully conscious, and we can take responsibility for it. As seen at MeFi.
posted by McSly 20 years ago
In ""
does anybody have an mp3? Yeah, here it is. it's in English though. I can't find the french version.
posted by McSly 20 years ago
In "Own A Piece Of The Concorde!"
Wonder how much for the nosecone?
Well, the last time it went for nearly $500,000. Maybe you should put your tax refund for some good use.
posted by McSly 20 years ago
In ""
-- Oh, yeah. I want to know what tags work, too. I could swear I've used in the past . -- Yeah these tags should work, see the FAQ. /OffTopic
posted by McSly 21 years ago
It just reached $65,000 and there's still 6 days before the auction ends. Knowing that the auctions are really starting during the last minutes, some people have way to much money.
posted by McSly 21 years ago
867-5309 This is so 80s
posted by McSly 21 years ago
In "Bush in 30 Seconds."
MoveOn is planning to air one of the ad during the Super bowl.
posted by McSly 21 years ago
(limited to the most recent 20 comments)