MadeByMark (user #1817)

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- I'm the author of PUTTING THE TAROT TO WORK, TAKING THE TAROT TO HEART, and others. I'm an armchair expert on all things divinatory, from I Ching to Tarot. Curious? Stop by
- In addition to writing, I do a lot of voice acting. Favorite gig: I'm the Mortician Magician in the on-line adventures of Dr. Shroud, Vampire Killer. Curious? Stop by
- I live and work in Jackson, Mississippi, a steamy southern city with more humidity than charm. No lovely antebellum homes here; Jackson earned its nickname -- Chimneyville -- during the Civil War, when Union troops burned the entire city to the ground.
- I started out as an ultra-conservative fundamentalist minister, became an atheist, rebuilt my own faith from scratch, flirted with Eastern religions, joined the Methodist Church, and somehow became an out, gay, liberal, ecclectic Christian mystic.
- I'm partnered to Clyde, the most wonderful man I know. I've been writing about our life together at for ages.

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