In "Curious George: I"

Avast user here, too. I used to use AVG, but I switched to Avast when I got a new computer, and I love it. AVG's nagging was pretty annoying, but still way better than Norton, Symantec, and their ilk.

In "Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep:"

We just had my grandmother's funerals. There were two, since she had lived in Connecticut for the last decade, but had spent her first eighty years in South Carolina. I'm not a funeral person (that statement probably sounds weird, but my mother will go to just about any funeral she hears about), but I really wanted to be with my family at this time.
I looked at the corpse at the first funeral, but not at the second. Some loser cousin of mine told me that if I wanted to know what I would look like in my fifties, I should look at my mother, and that if I wondered how I'd look in my nineties, I should look in the casket. He wasn't trying to be hurtful or funny. That was the sad part.
I didn't look in the casket at the second funeral, because I didn't find it helpful the first time. It just reinforced the notion that my grandmother no longer existed. Looking at the empty shell did nothing for me.
I don't have anything against other people looking at the corpses of loved ones, or taking pictures, it's just not my thing, and I have no interest in partaking in either activity.

In "M.O.N.K.E.Y. No. SE7EN"

Are we even sure our monkeys exist?

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