squidranch Regarding Kro-Bar's comment above: Huh? I'm sorry, but needles take me to a nightmare. I'm sorry if I didn't make sense.
posted by Kro-Bar 17 years ago
Pallas Athena No wonder. First responder is a crotch provider. You are nose bleeder. Excuse me if I don't care, fluids don't turn me on.
A thread about unintentionally funny comics needs a Mister Kitty link.
"n" sticks. Not from the syrup, I swear.
Pancake Art: Delicious and enlightening. Until you eat it, the it's fattening. Wonderful post, but I must go eat a carrot and crave syrup.
mister. Knickerbocker's rant is extremely funny.
Zany and conspiratorial doesn't always mean boring. (YouTube)
This picture moves.
Obi Wan versus Lex. Who would win? Money on Lex.
Wabbit twacks! I'd like to point out that Elmer Fudd is the funniest cartoon character ever created, IMHO.
posted by Kro-Bar 18 years ago
I wonder how this (and the U.S. requiring passports to cross the Canadian border) will affect the people in Derby Line, VT, as the U.S./Canada border splits the town in half.
muteboy, click on Eukarya, and use the search feature for Mammalia. I'm afraid the site isn't as interactive as it could be, but it is a lot of information.
Coulrophobia. Some people really hate clowns.
Thanks for those links darling, (the second one is dead), I love seeing things like this.
I thought the Cereal Killers was slightly demented, but this is much worse. I love it.
The Apollo One fire was extremely intense. RIP Gus, Edward, and Rodger.
That was insane.
*ducks in* Lurks about the place. *ducks out*
Where the hell is Speed Racer?
I am not a 40 year old virgin.
(limited to the most recent 20 comments)
squidranch Regarding Kro-Bar's comment above: Huh? I'm sorry, but needles take me to a nightmare. I'm sorry if I didn't make sense.
posted by Kro-Bar 17 years ago
Pallas Athena No wonder. First responder is a crotch provider. You are nose bleeder. Excuse me if I don't care, fluids don't turn me on.
posted by Kro-Bar 17 years ago
In "Papa Spank!"
A thread about unintentionally funny comics needs a Mister Kitty link.
posted by Kro-Bar 17 years ago
In "Pancake Art"
"n" sticks.N ot from the syrup, I swear.
posted by Kro-Bar 17 years ago
Pancake Art: Delicious and enlightening. Until you eat it, the it's fattening. Wonderful post, but I must go eat a carrot and crave syrup.
posted by Kro-Bar 17 years ago
In "Japanese Toilet Training Video"
mister. Knickerbocker's rant is extremely funny.
posted by Kro-Bar 17 years ago
In "The Dark Ages are history, man."
Zany and conspiratorial doesn't always mean boring. (YouTube)
posted by Kro-Bar 17 years ago
In "Intolerable Beauty:"
This picture moves.
posted by Kro-Bar 17 years ago
In "London costumier auctions TV, movie outfits."
Obi Wan versus Lex. Who would win? Money on Lex.
posted by Kro-Bar 17 years ago
In "What's Opera, Doc?"
Wabbit twacks! I'd like to point out that Elmer Fudd is the funniest cartoon character ever created, IMHO.
posted by Kro-Bar 18 years ago
In "Come on up!"
I wonder how this (and the U.S. requiring passports to cross the Canadian border) will affect the people in Derby Line, VT, as the U.S./Canada border splits the town in half.
posted by Kro-Bar 18 years ago
In "Taxonomy Explorer: the Classification of Species"
muteboy, click on Eukarya, and use the search feature for Mammalia. I'm afraid the site isn't as interactive as it could be, but it is a lot of information.
posted by Kro-Bar 18 years ago
In "Clowns Shot During Performance"
Coulrophobia. Some people really hate clowns.
posted by Kro-Bar 18 years ago
In "Children's monster drawings redone by artists."
Thanks for those links darling, (the second one is dead), I love seeing things like this.
posted by Kro-Bar 18 years ago
In ""The Last Good Morning""
I thought the Cereal Killers was slightly demented, but this is much worse. I love it.
posted by Kro-Bar 18 years ago
In "This week in January"
The Apollo One fire was extremely intense. RIP Gus, Edward, and Rodger.
posted by Kro-Bar 18 years ago
In "*slings girl and runs*"
That was insane.
posted by Kro-Bar 18 years ago
In "Whatever happened to monkeyfilter?"
*ducks in* Lurks about the place. *ducks out*
posted by Kro-Bar 18 years ago
In "Hot Rod Cartoon Mags"
Where the hell is Speed Racer?
posted by Kro-Bar 18 years ago
In "2006 Roll Call:"
I am not a 40 year old virgin.
posted by Kro-Bar 18 years ago
(limited to the most recent 20 comments)