The amazing number of sites featuring tiny gray text on white backgrounds is proof to me that the vast majority of site designers are much younger than me. And idiots.
You know...Monkeyfilter has gray on gray—that's probably worse than gray on white. Just sayin'.
I like how clicking on the current date reveals all previous dates. Also agree with RalphTheDog and did the same as mechagrue.
posted by Korou 16 years ago
In "I love waiting for your flash to load"
Never noticed the themes...
posted by Korou 16 years ago
The amazing number of sites featuring tiny gray text on white backgrounds is proof to me that the vast majority of site designers are much younger than me. And idiots. You know...Monkeyfilter has gray on gray—that's probably worse than gray on white. Just sayin'.
posted by Korou 16 years ago
In "Curious George - Word Query:"
Cali: Nope, I'm not starting another Filter.
posted by Korou 20 years ago
I've come up with rhubarb, but it doesn't really include news.
posted by Korou 20 years ago
In "Explore jazz history through one photograph."
Dawson: "That's the same picture used for the dubious subplot in The Terminal, right?" Yep.
posted by Korou 20 years ago
In "Yoshimi Battles the Hip-Hop Robots"
posted by Korou 20 years ago
In "How Grammatically Sound Are You?"
I agree, I got Grammar God, but I know I got some of them wrong. I'd like to know what the right answers are.
posted by Korou 20 years ago
In "Dog finds significant other cheating"
Ah, whoops, sorry about that... I tend to do that with movies and things of the such.
posted by Korou 20 years ago
posted by Korou 20 years ago
posted by Korou 20 years ago
In "Making Friends"
Quite amusing!
posted by Korou 20 years ago
(limited to the most recent 20 comments)