Medical device companies pay medical professionals to train clients in using new technologies and to act as technical support. It's teaching, not selling. It pays moderately well with upward mobility possible.
And let's face it, the FDA isn't exactally on OUR side.
BlueHorse, whose side do you think the FDA is on?
I ask this question in all honesty, as I work in the quality compliance arm of a major pharmaceutical manufacturer, and I can assure you that the FDA is not on our side, either. They actually do a pretty good job of ensuring that we comply to all Good Manufacturing Practices, which is federal law. They actually do a lot better than most of the foreign ministries of health that I deal with (our sales are global), except for maybe Japan. As a consumer, I can appreciate the level of scrutiny that the FDA affords pharm companies.*
*Disclaimer: I work with critical care drugs/ therapeutic proteins that have nothing to do with anti-depressants.
Okay, I don't really comment here much, but I have a little something to say about him avoiding talking about his sexuality... During the first season of American Idol, my next door neighbor was one of the constestants. Since I usually had my windows open, I happened to overhear a heated argument between her and Mr. Seacrest. He was trying to convince her that despite the fact that she had a boyfriend (fiance, maybe?), that she should present herself as "available" so the male members of the audience would be more likely to vote for her. Seems he deeply believes in this philosophy. At least he's no hypocrite!
I am allergic to shellfish. I have a 24 hour rule with my partner that says she is not allowed to kiss me within 24 hours of ingesting shellfish. I'm not willing to take the risk. A friend of mine, an allergist, showed my a study a few years ago that illustrated the dangers of penicillin allergies amongst partners. In the article, a man took penicillin, then had sex with his wife, who was allergic. She had an anaphylactic reaction to his penicillin-laced semen. I've been much more vigilant since I read that artice.
My Mom used to make us an invention that consisted of a slice of vienna sausage, a piece of cheddar cheese, and a piece of pineapple (from a can) on a toothpick. Separate, they weren't that great, but together, DELICIOUS.
*flashes white trash cred*
Actually, I bet I would still like it. Even though I lean toward vegetarianism.
During graduate school, I crunched the statistics for the um... seminal... study on "sex and the internet." It was not nearly as much fun as one might hope.
All of the freaking people at work who think I can make an exception to the rules just for them. It is my job to ensure that there are NO EXCEPTIONS! Granted I work in a highly regulated industry, but, dammit, you're just not special enough for me to break all the rules. Suck it, losers!
You hit a sore spot with me today.
I was pretty shocked when I had to go to a new doc (I have PTSD and all of the fabulous accoutrement). He listed several different drugs, then flat out asked me which one I wanted to take. Um... you're a DOCTOR of psychiatry... you tell me, dude.
Re: Mother's passing HIV to their infants...
These days there are a lot of preventive measures in countries with decent healthcare to prevent this kind of transmission. They mostly effective, although I don't recall the stats offhand.
Does anyone know if the monkeyphonecall is still running? I know someone who could really use a monkeyphonecall. Strangely, he would know that I was behind it.
So, I went to a party Saturday night as a sculpture of Chakmool, an Aztec god who demands the hearts of human sacrifices to be placed in his ceremonial bowl. My SO went as the artist who created the sculpture. We won "Most Original." I shall post pictures as soon as I have them.
Okay, possibly my longest comment ever...
My grandmother was a sort of nursemaid for Alfred Hitchcock's sister back in the day. She worked the night shift. She (the sister) was married to a judge that had passed away years before, but (apparently) always had a bit of a crush on his wife's sister. My grandmother would sleep in that sister's room when she would stay to take care of her. One night, my grandmother heard footsteps coming into her room. She just laid there, and one corner of the bed went down like someone was sitting on it, but she couldn't see anyone sitting there. After a while, she heard footsteps retreating from the room. The next morning, as she went to attend to the judge's wife, the woman asked her "Did you see the Judge? He was here last night visiting me!"
As a former EMT in an undisclosed location, it was fairly common for people to engage in these types of activities at various stations. Imagine being sequestered with people of both sexes, sometimes for up to 48 hours at a time, just waiting for a call. While I never engaged in it, and really thought it quite despicable for the married folks in my station, I chalk it up to human nature.
There's a joke that says:
Dogs think: He gives me food, water, shelter, everything I need... He must be God.
Cats think: He gives me food, water, shelter, everything I need... I must be God.
Here in L.A., I heard the contract was for a full five years...
Funny how he and Nicole divorced the DAY BEFORE he would have to pay alimony for the rest of his life. I think it's coincidence.
One degree from disco diva Thelma Houston (she was my neighbor, set up her e-mail account).
Two degrees from most people in Hollywood through a woman who is a professional beard for an old-school Hollywood guy.
Two degrees from ZZ Top because a friend used to play guitar with them.
I live near Burbank, so I'm a few degrees from a lot of people in TV and movies.
L.A. is weird because if you know anyone in The Business, you are only a couple of degrees from everyone...
Medical device companies pay medical professionals to train clients in using new technologies and to act as technical support. It's teaching, not selling. It pays moderately well with upward mobility possible.
posted by KamikazeGopher 18 years ago
In "Foul death prevented,"
I did mouth-to-snout and CPR on a newborn puppy once. He's 6 years old now!
posted by KamikazeGopher 19 years ago
In "Prozac babies."
And let's face it, the FDA isn't exactally on OUR side. BlueHorse, whose side do you think the FDA is on? I ask this question in all honesty, as I work in the quality compliance arm of a major pharmaceutical manufacturer, and I can assure you that the FDA is not on our side, either. They actually do a pretty good job of ensuring that we comply to all Good Manufacturing Practices, which is federal law. They actually do a lot better than most of the foreign ministries of health that I deal with (our sales are global), except for maybe Japan. As a consumer, I can appreciate the level of scrutiny that the FDA affords pharm companies.* *Disclaimer: I work with critical care drugs/ therapeutic proteins that have nothing to do with anti-depressants.
posted by KamikazeGopher 19 years ago
In "Shock jock asks Ryan Seacrest if he's teh ghey."
Okay, I don't really comment here much, but I have a little something to say about him avoiding talking about his sexuality... During the first season of American Idol, my next door neighbor was one of the constestants. Since I usually had my windows open, I happened to overhear a heated argument between her and Mr. Seacrest. He was trying to convince her that despite the fact that she had a boyfriend (fiance, maybe?), that she should present herself as "available" so the male members of the audience would be more likely to vote for her. Seems he deeply believes in this philosophy. At least he's no hypocrite!
posted by KamikazeGopher 19 years ago
In "Your kisses tase like wine, er peanut butter?"
I am allergic to shellfish. I have a 24 hour rule with my partner that says she is not allowed to kiss me within 24 hours of ingesting shellfish. I'm not willing to take the risk. A friend of mine, an allergist, showed my a study a few years ago that illustrated the dangers of penicillin allergies amongst partners. In the article, a man took penicillin, then had sex with his wife, who was allergic. She had an anaphylactic reaction to his penicillin-laced semen. I've been much more vigilant since I read that artice.
posted by KamikazeGopher 19 years ago
In "Braaaaaaaaaains"
My Mom used to make us an invention that consisted of a slice of vienna sausage, a piece of cheddar cheese, and a piece of pineapple (from a can) on a toothpick. Separate, they weren't that great, but together, DELICIOUS. *flashes white trash cred* Actually, I bet I would still like it. Even though I lean toward vegetarianism.
posted by KamikazeGopher 19 years ago
In "Men Behaving Badly"
During graduate school, I crunched the statistics for the um... seminal... study on "sex and the internet." It was not nearly as much fun as one might hope.
posted by KamikazeGopher 19 years ago
In "Curious George: Don't you hate it when"
All of the freaking people at work who think I can make an exception to the rules just for them. It is my job to ensure that there are NO EXCEPTIONS! Granted I work in a highly regulated industry, but, dammit, you're just not special enough for me to break all the rules. Suck it, losers! You hit a sore spot with me today.
posted by KamikazeGopher 19 years ago
In "Self-medicating."
I was pretty shocked when I had to go to a new doc (I have PTSD and all of the fabulous accoutrement). He listed several different drugs, then flat out asked me which one I wanted to take. Um... you're a DOCTOR of psychiatry... you tell me, dude.
posted by KamikazeGopher 19 years ago
In "Cured of HIV"
Re: Mother's passing HIV to their infants... These days there are a lot of preventive measures in countries with decent healthcare to prevent this kind of transmission. They mostly effective, although I don't recall the stats offhand.
posted by KamikazeGopher 19 years ago
In "100 Greatest Internet Moments"
BTW, Argh... Can't get Bananaphone outta my head! Curse you!
posted by KamikazeGopher 19 years ago
Does anyone know if the monkeyphonecall is still running? I know someone who could really use a monkeyphonecall. Strangely, he would know that I was behind it.
posted by KamikazeGopher 19 years ago
In ""
So, I went to a party Saturday night as a sculpture of Chakmool, an Aztec god who demands the hearts of human sacrifices to be placed in his ceremonial bowl. My SO went as the artist who created the sculpture. We won "Most Original." I shall post pictures as soon as I have them.
posted by KamikazeGopher 19 years ago
In "Scaredy Cat George:"
Okay, possibly my longest comment ever... My grandmother was a sort of nursemaid for Alfred Hitchcock's sister back in the day. She worked the night shift. She (the sister) was married to a judge that had passed away years before, but (apparently) always had a bit of a crush on his wife's sister. My grandmother would sleep in that sister's room when she would stay to take care of her. One night, my grandmother heard footsteps coming into her room. She just laid there, and one corner of the bed went down like someone was sitting on it, but she couldn't see anyone sitting there. After a while, she heard footsteps retreating from the room. The next morning, as she went to attend to the judge's wife, the woman asked her "Did you see the Judge? He was here last night visiting me!"
posted by KamikazeGopher 19 years ago
In "Seven firemen fired for having sex while on duty."
As a former EMT in an undisclosed location, it was fairly common for people to engage in these types of activities at various stations. Imagine being sequestered with people of both sexes, sometimes for up to 48 hours at a time, just waiting for a call. While I never engaged in it, and really thought it quite despicable for the married folks in my station, I chalk it up to human nature.
posted by KamikazeGopher 19 years ago
In "Curious George"
douggles: There's a joke that says: Dogs think: He gives me food, water, shelter, everything I need... He must be God. Cats think: He gives me food, water, shelter, everything I need... I must be God.
posted by KamikazeGopher 19 years ago
In "Tommy and Katie are expecting a baby. I'm expecting to be horrified."
Chy- Here in L.A., I heard the contract was for a full five years... Funny how he and Nicole divorced the DAY BEFORE he would have to pay alimony for the rest of his life. I think it's coincidence.
posted by KamikazeGopher 19 years ago
In "Curious Six Degrees Name Dropping George."
Also... There was a picture of Thelma and Pope JP II in her living room. Also her and Reagan, so maybe 2 degrees from them. Strange.
posted by KamikazeGopher 19 years ago
One degree from disco diva Thelma Houston (she was my neighbor, set up her e-mail account). Two degrees from most people in Hollywood through a woman who is a professional beard for an old-school Hollywood guy. Two degrees from ZZ Top because a friend used to play guitar with them. I live near Burbank, so I'm a few degrees from a lot of people in TV and movies. L.A. is weird because if you know anyone in The Business, you are only a couple of degrees from everyone...
posted by KamikazeGopher 19 years ago
In "Curious George: Best Meal of your life?"
Crawfish and beer, eaten at the Hole in the Wall above Johnny Walker's in the French Quarter (before things got all fancy).
posted by KamikazeGopher 19 years ago
(limited to the most recent 20 comments)