Yeah, sorry for the double post up front. I guess it was just the force with which I was pounding the enter button after losing so much of my life on that Nightmare Escape rubbish.
What I do not apologise for, however, is "dumping" on a post. Frown all you like, path. Games that cannot be solved without a walkthrough are patently stupid. Unless, of course, they are produced specifically to frustrate and annoy, in which case, feel free to change my comment to, "Wow, these games are GREAT!"
Happy now?
And that is the reason that I doubt that this is possible. If it were, then someone WOULD have gone back and "hit that Hitler right in the mouth" and done a LOT of other things that would have led to a much nicer world than the one we currently inhabit.
I think that it be possible to do this, but maybe there are certain limits on how far back we could go to affect something based on energy expenditures or something. If that's the case, then at some point we'll be visited by futurites saying, "We're Number One!" And soon after that our world will just seem to exploded with wierdness as futurites in control of the technology mold our world to be their idea of a utopia. Or at least a world that will LEAD to their vision of a utopia. I can't imagine that this world is that one. Yet.
It was good timing and it was deliberately done. I had been losing a measure of respect for Woodward as well since it seemed that he was trying to be on the cool kids' team with the last two books.
BUT after reading them, I think Woodward wrote those showing the admin with a polished sheen KNOWING that he was going to be sandblasting that sheen away in this one. He didn't say anything WRONG in the first two, just concentrated on the positive stuff to make them let down their guard and let him in further so that he could find out the really juicy stuff for THIS one.
Measure of respect restored.
He writes that he drew some of them simply because he wanted to and not because they were un-PC. However, Lion is subtly un-PC because it's in a circus, he says.
I agree that some of these are just rude, which is why they'ree considered off-limits to the PC crowd in the first place. The guy's an ass, but I guess I can be written off as PC by him.
If you want to think in terms of a conspiracy, I wouldn't go in the direction of him having faked his death so much as who slipped him the poison which caused heart failure and why?
I can hang perfectly horizontal to the ground from any standard street post or sign.
I can do the wave with my eyebrows.
I never get bored. That's got to be worth mentioning.
Hmmm. Everybody's happy. How often does that happen? We get a large supply of stem cells to use for research and treatment purposes; fundies get an ironclad religious excuse for supporting it (if God didn't want us to use the stem cells he wouldn't have flushed them, now would he?); and women have get more disposable income. Cool! This could be a whole new industry. I can see collection centers nation-wide in a year or two.
Now as long as we can keep some idiots from REQUIRING women to hand it over, say, by setting up "blood barns" where they'd get "milked" (sorry for the image), then we'll be good.
Cheney was here in Green Bay yesterday. I still feel dirty. I'm with petebest. Thank god for the people who showed up to protest. Dems need to grow some balls already or they've lost me.
I guess I was one of very few people with CNN back then. I had a flu/cold and was staying home from school. And it sure looked like an explosion to me.
That doesn't make it any more palatable in the first or last example. In the statutory rape example, even though the kids are probably too young to fully realize the possible consequences of their actions they made a conscious decision to play the odds. They are both responsible. In the others, there should never have been a point where a decision should have to have been made. In those,100% of the consequences should be on the woman.
Ha! Not only DID I have a copy of it, but I STILL HAVE my 45 rpm of it. Hee hee, I'm old.
posted by Jester54301 15 years ago
In "Mathematically Challenged George"
MeFi only (of those three)
posted by Jester54301 17 years ago
In "Nightmare Escape"
Yeah, sorry for the double post up front. I guess it was just the force with which I was pounding the enter button after losing so much of my life on that Nightmare Escape rubbish. What I do not apologise for, however, is "dumping" on a post. Frown all you like, path. Games that cannot be solved without a walkthrough are patently stupid. Unless, of course, they are produced specifically to frustrate and annoy, in which case, feel free to change my comment to, "Wow, these games are GREAT!" Happy now?
posted by Jester54301 17 years ago
MY GOD, are these games bad.
posted by Jester54301 17 years ago
MY GOD, are these games bad.
posted by Jester54301 17 years ago
In "Sexy Long Toenails"
Ok,I USED TO HAVE a foot fetish. That may have just killed it dead.
posted by Jester54301 17 years ago
In "Changing the past?"
And that is the reason that I doubt that this is possible. If it were, then someone WOULD have gone back and "hit that Hitler right in the mouth" and done a LOT of other things that would have led to a much nicer world than the one we currently inhabit. I think that it be possible to do this, but maybe there are certain limits on how far back we could go to affect something based on energy expenditures or something. If that's the case, then at some point we'll be visited by futurites saying, "We're Number One!" And soon after that our world will just seem to exploded with wierdness as futurites in control of the technology mold our world to be their idea of a utopia. Or at least a world that will LEAD to their vision of a utopia. I can't imagine that this world is that one. Yet.
posted by Jester54301 18 years ago
In "Froomkin on Woodward on Bush."
It was good timing and it was deliberately done. I had been losing a measure of respect for Woodward as well since it seemed that he was trying to be on the cool kids' team with the last two books. BUT after reading them, I think Woodward wrote those showing the admin with a polished sheen KNOWING that he was going to be sandblasting that sheen away in this one. He didn't say anything WRONG in the first two, just concentrated on the positive stuff to make them let down their guard and let him in further so that he could find out the really juicy stuff for THIS one. Measure of respect restored.
posted by Jester54301 18 years ago
In "Politically incorrect alphabet"
He writes that he drew some of them simply because he wanted to and not because they were un-PC. However, Lion is subtly un-PC because it's in a circus, he says. I agree that some of these are just rude, which is why they'ree considered off-limits to the PC crowd in the first place. The guy's an ass, but I guess I can be written off as PC by him.
posted by Jester54301 18 years ago
In "Ken Lay is Dead"
If you want to think in terms of a conspiracy, I wouldn't go in the direction of him having faked his death so much as who slipped him the poison which caused heart failure and why?
posted by Jester54301 18 years ago
In "Curious George the trickster."
I can hang perfectly horizontal to the ground from any standard street post or sign. I can do the wave with my eyebrows. I never get bored. That's got to be worth mentioning.
posted by Jester54301 18 years ago
In "Beauty AND Brains!"
You mean perspicacious?
posted by Jester54301 19 years ago
In "2006 Roll Call:"
57. WooHOO!
posted by Jester54301 19 years ago
In "Bloody Hell!"
sigh. Have; Get ... pick which one you want.
posted by Jester54301 19 years ago
Hmmm. Everybody's happy. How often does that happen? We get a large supply of stem cells to use for research and treatment purposes; fundies get an ironclad religious excuse for supporting it (if God didn't want us to use the stem cells he wouldn't have flushed them, now would he?); and women have get more disposable income. Cool! This could be a whole new industry. I can see collection centers nation-wide in a year or two. Now as long as we can keep some idiots from REQUIRING women to hand it over, say, by setting up "blood barns" where they'd get "milked" (sorry for the image), then we'll be good.
posted by Jester54301 19 years ago
In "Democrats"
Cheney was here in Green Bay yesterday. I still feel dirty. I'm with petebest. Thank god for the people who showed up to protest. Dems need to grow some balls already or they've lost me.
posted by Jester54301 19 years ago
In "Curious Pineapple George"
And how do we know what Rick Springfield's semen smells like? Has someone here done research?
posted by Jester54301 19 years ago
In "Babylon 5's Katsulas Passes"
Ouch. This hurts.
posted by Jester54301 19 years ago
In "Seven myths"
I guess I was one of very few people with CNN back then. I had a flu/cold and was staying home from school. And it sure looked like an explosion to me.
posted by Jester54301 19 years ago
In "Child Support!"
That doesn't make it any more palatable in the first or last example. In the statutory rape example, even though the kids are probably too young to fully realize the possible consequences of their actions they made a conscious decision to play the odds. They are both responsible. In the others, there should never have been a point where a decision should have to have been made. In those,100% of the consequences should be on the woman.
posted by Jester54301 19 years ago
(limited to the most recent 20 comments)