I have never heard of anyone ever being polled either. However, aren't the polls based on things usually like 500 people called or 1,000 people called? That slims the odds down.
The Lancet is a pretty respectable journal, similar to JAMA or the New Eng. Journal of Med., as is the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.
Personally, I find it slightly impossible that there have only been 16,000 deaths including those "resulting from the breakdown in law and order, and deaths due to inadequate health care or sanitation." Does that seem within the possible?
The curse is over, all it took was a little blood. With any luck the sox kept those teeth and during the first brawl of the series pedro stuffs them up the nostrils of jeter.
shawnj you seem to be missing his point, which, i think, is, doctors, or whomever you seem to think is so important that they need to get a call during the movie rather than at the end, got by for a long time without taking calls during the theater, movie or otherwise. I guess I don't understand how not being able to have your telephone ring in a public performance setting somehow disables you from being able to find out about an "emergency."
cephalophile don't you understand it's the media's fault. it's that liberal media that has got this country all twisted
"And since September 11th President Bush has remained rock solid. It doesn't matter how he is demonized.It doesn't matter what the media does to ridicule him or misinterpret him or defeat him.
They ridiculed Winston Churchill. They belittled Ronald Reagan."
/always remember the dead prez line "gulliani, you are full of shit"
I think skrik's point was this happens and yet scott stapp lives to sing another day. to think, if there was ever someone asking to be a martry...
posted by Iwanttogiveyoubabies 20 years ago
In "Missing Link?"
was this around before or after the great flood?
posted by Iwanttogiveyoubabies 20 years ago
In "Apologies accepted"
Cheryl? yeah, well, she's not sorry. i on the other hand, am so very, very, very sorry.
posted by Iwanttogiveyoubabies 20 years ago
A nice bookend to these not at all absurdly funny photos
posted by Iwanttogiveyoubabies 20 years ago
In "Neuticles: Customized Testicular Implants for Pets"
(insert John Kruk joke here)
posted by Iwanttogiveyoubabies 20 years ago
In "Curious, George: Disposing of Evidence"
if possible at least contact him via email and mention it is going to be going away, unless you have no plans to talk to/see him ever again.
posted by Iwanttogiveyoubabies 20 years ago
In ""
I have never heard of anyone ever being polled either. However, aren't the polls based on things usually like 500 people called or 1,000 people called? That slims the odds down.
posted by Iwanttogiveyoubabies 20 years ago
In "Poor planning, air strikes by coalition forces and a "climate of violence" have led to more than 100,000 extra deaths in Iraq, scientists say"
The Lancet is a pretty respectable journal, similar to JAMA or the New Eng. Journal of Med., as is the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. Personally, I find it slightly impossible that there have only been 16,000 deaths including those "resulting from the breakdown in law and order, and deaths due to inadequate health care or sanitation." Does that seem within the possible?
posted by Iwanttogiveyoubabies 20 years ago
In "Apocalypse: Now."
The curse is over, all it took was a little blood. With any luck the sox kept those teeth and during the first brawl of the series pedro stuffs them up the nostrils of jeter.
posted by Iwanttogiveyoubabies 20 years ago
In ""Tell them we're busy.""
shawnj you seem to be missing his point, which, i think, is, doctors, or whomever you seem to think is so important that they need to get a call during the movie rather than at the end, got by for a long time without taking calls during the theater, movie or otherwise. I guess I don't understand how not being able to have your telephone ring in a public performance setting somehow disables you from being able to find out about an "emergency."
posted by Iwanttogiveyoubabies 20 years ago
In "Caligula"
To each his own, I guess. I for one went right out and bought one of those unicycle ass slapping machines.
posted by Iwanttogiveyoubabies 20 years ago
In "chai"
I hope these internet stocks i bought pan out.
posted by Iwanttogiveyoubabies 20 years ago
In "Arrrr, matey!"
someone unscrew me leg and grab some glasses!!!
posted by Iwanttogiveyoubabies 20 years ago
In "Viral Marketing, Republican Style"
and that is why you should always use the preview button.
posted by Iwanttogiveyoubabies 20 years ago
this is reaon why the 3 strikes law should be enforced universally.
posted by Iwanttogiveyoubabies 20 years ago
In "RNC Protest Photos"
cephalophile don't you understand it's the media's fault. it's that liberal media that has got this country all twisted "And since September 11th President Bush has remained rock solid. It doesn't matter how he is demonized.It doesn't matter what the media does to ridicule him or misinterpret him or defeat him. They ridiculed Winston Churchill. They belittled Ronald Reagan." /always remember the dead prez line "gulliani, you are full of shit"
posted by Iwanttogiveyoubabies 20 years ago
In "Curious George: I'm in pop up hell! "
pyrrthon1, could you link to one of the pages that firefox doesn't load properly, i am just curious to see what the problems are.
posted by Iwanttogiveyoubabies 20 years ago
In "The Food Spray Diet"
i just hate people who had double majors. culinary arts and pharmacy, come on man leave something for the rest of us.
posted by Iwanttogiveyoubabies 20 years ago
In "Curious George: Men's capri pants."
you should also inquire about a mirror as well so you can see how incredibly stupid you will look.
posted by Iwanttogiveyoubabies 20 years ago
In ""
in all seriousness i thought thomas frank had already put an end to the red v. blue myth with his book.
posted by Iwanttogiveyoubabies 20 years ago
(limited to the most recent 20 comments)