In ""Germans aren't exactly a happy-go-lucky people." "

Ve Germans are not all smiles und sunshine...

In "The first casualty of the '04 elections"

Here's my thing: evolution and "Intelligent design" are not mutually exclusive, and I have actually had a few professors mention the gist of intelligent design along with the theory of evolution, but using it primarily as a supplement for evolution. What I'm trying to say is this: does it seem to anyone else that by abandoning evolution for intelligent design, the major difference is the inclusion of "Oh, by the way, God exists!" as a big neiner neiner to atheists?

In ""

Mission accomplished, SideDish.

In "Curious George"


In "Curious George:"

Well, I've always found Princeton Reviews "Student's happiness" category a slightly less morbid manner of deciding what school to go to...

(limited to the most recent 20 comments)