In "The Voice of the Castrato"

Dang , awesome , brilliant , great topic ! i feel sooo guilty stealing this link. thank!

In "Fool Your Eyes"

aah we got a audio freak. theramin , tha's ancient.

In "The world's largest landing craft is offloading now."

Donald Duck would fill it with pingpongballs to lift it. G.Bush would simple fire a missile to clean it up. Robin Hood would say , give it to the people ,and its empty within a few days.

In "Let the Eagle soar..."

I taught my youngest yesterday about Eddy and the real Olympics, when the amateurs did the sports , i alway tell him you can be the president of a country if you wish , kids can be in the olympics to , just pick a sport nobody does, the jamaican bobbers , prince monaco etc . we even saw an African swimmer that barely made it to the other side of the pool. Kiddy replied , but didnt make that the Eagle a loser? , I said no , we had fun , he is a celeb ,made money with it , and had the ballz. Ever been up a ramp that high? So sorry for the ellebarotation in this comments , it makes it look less spammy, and I always digged eddy.

In "Curious Humbug!"

help me out in the farm , I told the cows it would be xmas , but hmm they do not listen.

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