In "Mashups!"

Speaking of! (Right click and Save As...)

In "Dave Chappelle speaks from S Africa, not in asylum"

And McBoozo.

In "What weird/stupid/silly stuff have you done?"

Wow, between these & the thread that was linked from Dec, I was actually laughing out loud at work today. That's a rarity. I'm sure I've got a million of these but the one that came to mind first was...during college I lived in a frat house about 10 miles from the school. Well, during lunch there was always the mad dash back to the house on a 2 x 2 road called Beecher (hence the name "The Beecher 500"). For whatever reason it was important to win Beecher 500's by any means possible. I had an '86 two-door Grand Prix with a dog of a 305 putting me at a disadvantage to most everyone else. I compensated by driving like a complete nut. Quite often we'd have guys driving in all 4 lanes (two of which were going against traffic), swerving between cars like madmen! Beecher ended at a stoplight where you had to turn left and go past a Consumer's Power station before turning left into the house parking lot. Well, being a few cars back from the lead one time, with a car full of freshman that we were taking back for lunch--it was Rush--I decided that swerving across all four lanes with a hard jerk left on the wheel, hopping the curb, and barrelling through the lawns of Consumer's Power & the house was my only way to win...unfortunately I failed to notice the cop sitting at the light before I swerved. It didn't take long before I was in handcuffs trying to explain what had possessed me to do such a thing. Worst part was the fines and the money it cost to replace my exhaust system which I had snagged and torn off of the car from the catalytic converter back somewhere between the curb and the offroading. Plus I've accidentally set myself on fire 5 times & counting...

In "Just Say No."

Oh yeah, the pill bottle bongs were water bongs. And we used to do "DNBH's". Dry Nose Bong Hits. Harsh.

We used to take prescription pill bottles, drill a couple holes, hot glue a bic pen (with foil around the end)in the bottom hole, insert doob into pen, & smoke from the top using the top drilled hole for a carb. Note: Make sure that you're not sooo stoned that you don't notice the foil fall out before you place the doob, oh and then smoke part of the pen after the doob burns down that far and wonder why the bong hits are starting to burn your chest so much! Also built a 5-person hookah from a vase we got at Pier 1 and assorted plumbing accesories from the hardware store. It was a 6 person effort and was constructed in a matter of a couple hours. You could burn an 1/8th in one bowl in a matter of 3-5 hits for everyone. Don't remember a whole lot from those days!

(limited to the most recent 20 comments)