Pallas Athena: How did you get it to guess you were Blackadder? I chose him too, and the computer didn't ask any questions that really seemed to fit (and I've seen every episode). Except for having black hair. I was expecting, "Do you have a sidekick?" or "Are you devious?" or something, but no luck.
When I was a child, I always loved receiving the Old Farmer's Almanac for the coming year at Christmas from my grandfather.
When I looked at it again recently, I found it quite a bit more difficult to imagine the charm I once found in it. Though the heart of the almanac, the calendars, is still lots of fun and at least pretends to be informative.
Two words: college town.
Problems with that suggestion include cost of living, but that covers a number of small liberal towns in general. Also, check out New England, except for parts of Maine and New Hampshire.
Isn't Lineage the one that is wildly popular in South Korea? It's probably the most high-profile MMORPG on the Mac.
I remember reading about how people in PC Bangs (supposedly what they call Internet cafés there) would run from their school or work and play for hours, but that the authorities were worried about out-of-game violence. You should play Lineage, because if you kill someone on it, you might receive a visit from South Korean toughs.
Also, epileptic shocks might result (it warns about it on the web page). I remember that something of a meme existed about internet café-related deaths in Asia a few years ago (e.g. "A 31 year old man in Taipei has collapsed due to exhaustion and heart-related issues while playing a video game in which the player is required to dance")
I'd love an MMORPG that was reminiscent of a SNES RPG, but unfortunately GraalOnline's mac version didn't work for me. Supposedly you can create new environments.
Hmm, Lineage has a trial account...tempting.
That was pretty pointless, and not the good pointless, though I suppose the image of members of our administration as cherubs will stay with me for a bit.
Well, I learned about this site in a Crooked Timber post that included a link to a Houston Press article about the site. So I was never in doubt as to the site creators being Muslim.
Which would be important. For similar humor in an Orthodox Christian vein, visit the Onion Dome.
Though I can't believe anyone wouldn't believe it to be self-satire. These sort of sites lose their point when they're not making fun of their own group.
babywannasofa: I think the book you're referring to is Witch Week. It's part of a series the rest of which I've not read. It had an interesting background history in it that I think involved Cromwellian persecution of witches.
Pallas Athena: How did you get it to guess you were Blackadder? I chose him too, and the computer didn't ask any questions that really seemed to fit (and I've seen every episode). Except for having black hair. I was expecting, "Do you have a sidekick?" or "Are you devious?" or something, but no luck.
posted by Gnatcho 20 years ago
In "The Old Farmer's Almanac"
When I was a child, I always loved receiving the Old Farmer's Almanac for the coming year at Christmas from my grandfather. When I looked at it again recently, I found it quite a bit more difficult to imagine the charm I once found in it. Though the heart of the almanac, the calendars, is still lots of fun and at least pretends to be informative.
posted by Gnatcho 20 years ago
In "Is it just me"
Ooh, someone bought Google a pearl necklace. I can't believe I wrote that
posted by Gnatcho 20 years ago
In "The WWI Document Archive"
The Serb nationalist who killed Kaiser Wilhelm? Do you mean Archduke Franz Ferdinand?
posted by Gnatcho 20 years ago
In "Curious George: Emigrating within the U.S."
Two words: college town. Problems with that suggestion include cost of living, but that covers a number of small liberal towns in general. Also, check out New England, except for parts of Maine and New Hampshire.
posted by Gnatcho 20 years ago
In "Curious, George: Mac MMORPGs"
Isn't Lineage the one that is wildly popular in South Korea? It's probably the most high-profile MMORPG on the Mac. I remember reading about how people in PC Bangs (supposedly what they call Internet cafés there) would run from their school or work and play for hours, but that the authorities were worried about out-of-game violence. You should play Lineage, because if you kill someone on it, you might receive a visit from South Korean toughs. Also, epileptic shocks might result (it warns about it on the web page). I remember that something of a meme existed about internet café-related deaths in Asia a few years ago (e.g. "A 31 year old man in Taipei has collapsed due to exhaustion and heart-related issues while playing a video game in which the player is required to dance") I'd love an MMORPG that was reminiscent of a SNES RPG, but unfortunately GraalOnline's mac version didn't work for me. Supposedly you can create new environments. Hmm, Lineage has a trial account...tempting.
posted by Gnatcho 20 years ago
In "4:20"
That was pretty pointless, and not the good pointless, though I suppose the image of members of our administration as cherubs will stay with me for a bit.
posted by Gnatcho 20 years ago
In "Islamica News"
Well, I learned about this site in a Crooked Timber post that included a link to a Houston Press article about the site. So I was never in doubt as to the site creators being Muslim. Which would be important. For similar humor in an Orthodox Christian vein, visit the Onion Dome. Though I can't believe anyone wouldn't believe it to be self-satire. These sort of sites lose their point when they're not making fun of their own group.
posted by Gnatcho 20 years ago
In "The only immortality you and I may share"
babywannasofa: I think the book you're referring to is Witch Week. It's part of a series the rest of which I've not read. It had an interesting background history in it that I think involved Cromwellian persecution of witches.
posted by Gnatcho 20 years ago
(limited to the most recent 20 comments)