In "But I'm not well"

Hmm. Can't say I like this video much nor am I as impressed with the makers of the video as they were themselves. Recipe for ruining an otherwise perfectly good, nay enjoyable song: 1. Collect 30 20-30something new-com kids, lubricated with beer and free pizza agree to do viral video to advertise pull hits for struggling new You Tube clone site. 2. Pick cool hip very slightly underground punkish rock song that you don't understand the meaning of (which makes it cooler because no one does). 3. When finished invent a new term for it (because lip synch is so 80s) and talk about how cool it was that you got filmed your 'lip dub' in just one take (step back and marvel at this if you have time). 4. Ruin song for pretty much everyone, particularly those rock snobs for whom it was a guilty pleasure *cough* *me*. 5. Edit all critical comments on your 'lip dub' because you thought it was cool, and hell it's your site:

(limited to the most recent 20 comments)