A) Take this to metafilter.
B) Moneyjane is totally, absolutely, and undeniably correct.
C) I guess if the per capita GNP is going up, I guess we don't have to worry about anything else, do we?
I hope that the lessons of Katrina have been well learned, and there are serious provisions to get everybody, and i mean everybody the hell outta dodge. Especially those without the means to travel.
This is why I love Monkeyfilter, and the internet in general.
Specific data about a situation at hand, historical context, informed analysis, all at the same time.
Ok, i'm called freen, and i'm hanging out in St Laurence's Hospital. I'm a medic, have 5 bullets, and that's about it.
If anybody stops by, say hello. I'm waiting for more AP.
Well, I'm ion edgecomb, moving slowly up towards peppardville and pittneybank. Let me know where the Monkey HQ will be. I'm a medic, and i've got a gun. For the moment i'm hanging out at chanter alley police department.
sheer, unadulterated wizardy.
I would like to suggest a corallary to Arthur C. Clarke's Third Law: Anyone of suffienctly advanced skill is indistinguishable from magician.
Look, there is a very simple chain of causation here.
A) CO2 is a greenhouse gas.
b) Humans produce massive amounts of C02, so much that the levels of C02 in the atmosphere have changed at a rate the planet has never previously experienced. Either something radically unprecendented in happeneing in our environment, or it is a result of human activity.
c) The temperature of the earth, largly determined by greenhouse gases, has been changing, at a rate the planet has never before expereinced.
so you are presented with a choice, either continue to produce greenhouse gasses that aggravate the situation, or, attempt to limit the production of greenhouse gasses, and then try to build carbon sinks that can remove greenhouse gasses from the atmosphere. Like forests. Apply some of that "get to the moon" human ingenuity to the problem. Or throw our hands in the air, and say, well, we aren't responsible! Whatever happens happens! It's not our fautls therefore we can't try to stop it. Why damn the nile?
On preview:
Look you have a point, If nature and science are burying contrary perspectives then that is seriously problematic. Beyond that though, the idea that human beings can't really do anything about a potential global catastrophy stikes me as fatalism. The climate is changing, and rapidly. We are poking a giant with a stick, and who knows what is going to happen if we keep poking. Either we try to stabilize it ourselves, or we face the consequences.
But as I said before, the history of science is a history of contrarians who have been vindicated by the truth and testability of their claims. That is the beauty of science. I wait for the contrarians to provide repeatable, verifiable, and incontrovertable data. When that happens, i'm suren the scientific comunity will have no choice but to accept it, much as the scientific community has so many times in the past.
furthermore, the history of science is a history of people who openly and effectively challenged the status quo. The idea that science is some "popularity contest" is ridiculous. Try telling that to einstein, or roentgoen, or Marie Curie, or Newton, or Copernicus.
If you've got a good idea, and you've got good evidence, and you've got repeatable tests, people will pay attention. God damn, read some fscking Popper.
Beleive me, if someone had the evidence to show that global warming wasn't happening, and it was incontrovertable and repeatable, they'd be a fucking superstar.
[/i swear, I'll go to bed now.]
on preview: hell even if it isn't our fault, we are suppossed to be rational beings, capable of altering our enviroment, and making descisions that are mutually beneficial despite outside circumstances. I mean hell, if we can send someone to the moon we can figure out what we have to do to try to stop naturally occuring global warming so that manhattan doesn't turn into venice. Really, whether it is human caused or naturally caused makes no difference in the approach to the problem and potential solutions.
So, now we should pay attention to scientists?
Seriously, either you believe science is a valid means of understanding the world around and predicting future events or you don't choose one side or the other.
In any event, whether or not climate change is pricipally caused by human activity or simply aggravated by human activity is mostly irrelevant. Climate change is happeneing. Either we do something about it or we don't and suffer the consequences.
I mean realy, what position can you take here? The data clearly shows the climate is changing now faster than it ever has in the history of the planet, we know the climate is a sensitively dependant equilibrium that tends to have relatively long periods of stable conditions punctuated by radical, catastrophic periods of disequilibrium, usually caused by a gradual change in the basic variables of the climate( i.e. temperature, gaseous makeup etc.) that eventually lead to the stable equilibrium becoming unstable.
So, whether or not humans are primarily responsible, ideally there would be something we can do to help midigate the possible negative effects of radical climate change. Reducing the production of greenhouse gasses really is the first thing that comes to mind as it is precisely those variables that are changing at an unprecedented rate. I doubt the Oil administration or their crony apologists are going to advocate that.
Facts are facts. The interpretation varies. Even if we aren't completely responsible, there is something very specific that we can do prevent the negative side effects.
It's like people in california arguing against regulations to force contractors to build earthquake proof buildings because human beings aren't responsible for causing earthquakes. [/drunken rant]
texas gave us stevie ray vaughn and zz top, so c'mon it's not that bad. sure they hate gay people, but which state doesn't? maybe two.
plus king of the hill had a good streak for awhile.
You know, I heard the trains were always on time in germany circa 1940. That musta been nice.
Well, for a guy who is totally against moral relativity in all forms, he sure is quite relatavistic when it comes to his support of the Nazis. I wonder what Sophie Scholl of the White Rose would have to say about this. That is, if she were still alive.
A) Take this to metafilter. B) Moneyjane is totally, absolutely, and undeniably correct. C) I guess if the per capita GNP is going up, I guess we don't have to worry about anything else, do we?
posted by Freen 19 years ago
In "Curious George: mp3 mayhem"
I would like to take this moment to remind all of you that it's not really mayhem unless someone looses a limb. Literally.
posted by Freen 19 years ago
In "Hurricane Rita approaches."
I hope that the lessons of Katrina have been well learned, and there are serious provisions to get everybody, and i mean everybody the hell outta dodge. Especially those without the means to travel.
posted by Freen 19 years ago
In "Walken in 2008."
Also note : One does not just Walken to mordor
posted by Freen 19 years ago
I thought it was amusing. Hoax or not. I love christopher walken. sorry...
posted by Freen 19 years ago
In "Greatest Submarine Rescue in History."
Wow. This is why I love Monkeyfilter, and the internet in general. Specific data about a situation at hand, historical context, informed analysis, all at the same time. Thanks!
posted by Freen 19 years ago
In "The zombie dots have evolved!"
Ok, i'm called freen, and i'm hanging out in St Laurence's Hospital. I'm a medic, have 5 bullets, and that's about it. If anybody stops by, say hello. I'm waiting for more AP.
posted by Freen 19 years ago
Well, I'm ion edgecomb, moving slowly up towards peppardville and pittneybank. Let me know where the Monkey HQ will be. I'm a medic, and i've got a gun. For the moment i'm hanging out at chanter alley police department.
posted by Freen 19 years ago
In "The Moon Occults Antares"
Naw, just roommates signing up for monkeyfilter. Figured it out. Was weird though.
posted by Freen 19 years ago
Much better.
posted by Freen 19 years ago
In "BMX film"
sheer, unadulterated wizardy. I would like to suggest a corallary to Arthur C. Clarke's Third Law: Anyone of suffienctly advanced skill is indistinguishable from magician.
posted by Freen 19 years ago
In "Fewer than one in 10 climate scientists believe that climate change is principally caused by human activity"
Damn, never post drunk. it's just a bad scene alltogether. Or hung over for that matter.....
posted by Freen 19 years ago
Look, there is a very simple chain of causation here. A) CO2 is a greenhouse gas. b) Humans produce massive amounts of C02, so much that the levels of C02 in the atmosphere have changed at a rate the planet has never previously experienced. Either something radically unprecendented in happeneing in our environment, or it is a result of human activity. c) The temperature of the earth, largly determined by greenhouse gases, has been changing, at a rate the planet has never before expereinced. so you are presented with a choice, either continue to produce greenhouse gasses that aggravate the situation, or, attempt to limit the production of greenhouse gasses, and then try to build carbon sinks that can remove greenhouse gasses from the atmosphere. Like forests. Apply some of that "get to the moon" human ingenuity to the problem. Or throw our hands in the air, and say, well, we aren't responsible! Whatever happens happens! It's not our fautls therefore we can't try to stop it. Why damn the nile? On preview: Look you have a point, If nature and science are burying contrary perspectives then that is seriously problematic. Beyond that though, the idea that human beings can't really do anything about a potential global catastrophy stikes me as fatalism. The climate is changing, and rapidly. We are poking a giant with a stick, and who knows what is going to happen if we keep poking. Either we try to stabilize it ourselves, or we face the consequences. But as I said before, the history of science is a history of contrarians who have been vindicated by the truth and testability of their claims. That is the beauty of science. I wait for the contrarians to provide repeatable, verifiable, and incontrovertable data. When that happens, i'm suren the scientific comunity will have no choice but to accept it, much as the scientific community has so many times in the past.
posted by Freen 19 years ago
Tons of money, spent on either curing people for smog related diseases or clean burning energy sources. You choose.
posted by Freen 19 years ago
furthermore, the history of science is a history of people who openly and effectively challenged the status quo. The idea that science is some "popularity contest" is ridiculous. Try telling that to einstein, or roentgoen, or Marie Curie, or Newton, or Copernicus. If you've got a good idea, and you've got good evidence, and you've got repeatable tests, people will pay attention. God damn, read some fscking Popper. Beleive me, if someone had the evidence to show that global warming wasn't happening, and it was incontrovertable and repeatable, they'd be a fucking superstar. [/i swear, I'll go to bed now.] on preview: hell even if it isn't our fault, we are suppossed to be rational beings, capable of altering our enviroment, and making descisions that are mutually beneficial despite outside circumstances. I mean hell, if we can send someone to the moon we can figure out what we have to do to try to stop naturally occuring global warming so that manhattan doesn't turn into venice. Really, whether it is human caused or naturally caused makes no difference in the approach to the problem and potential solutions.
posted by Freen 19 years ago
So, now we should pay attention to scientists? Seriously, either you believe science is a valid means of understanding the world around and predicting future events or you don't choose one side or the other. In any event, whether or not climate change is pricipally caused by human activity or simply aggravated by human activity is mostly irrelevant. Climate change is happeneing. Either we do something about it or we don't and suffer the consequences. I mean realy, what position can you take here? The data clearly shows the climate is changing now faster than it ever has in the history of the planet, we know the climate is a sensitively dependant equilibrium that tends to have relatively long periods of stable conditions punctuated by radical, catastrophic periods of disequilibrium, usually caused by a gradual change in the basic variables of the climate( i.e. temperature, gaseous makeup etc.) that eventually lead to the stable equilibrium becoming unstable. So, whether or not humans are primarily responsible, ideally there would be something we can do to help midigate the possible negative effects of radical climate change. Reducing the production of greenhouse gasses really is the first thing that comes to mind as it is precisely those variables that are changing at an unprecedented rate. I doubt the Oil administration or their crony apologists are going to advocate that. Facts are facts. The interpretation varies. Even if we aren't completely responsible, there is something very specific that we can do prevent the negative side effects. It's like people in california arguing against regulations to force contractors to build earthquake proof buildings because human beings aren't responsible for causing earthquakes. [/drunken rant]
posted by Freen 19 years ago
In "Jon Stewart Applies the Smackdown Again"
texas gave us stevie ray vaughn and zz top, so c'mon it's not that bad. sure they hate gay people, but which state doesn't? maybe two. plus king of the hill had a good streak for awhile. You know, I heard the trains were always on time in germany circa 1940. That musta been nice.
posted by Freen 19 years ago
In "Bitchchecker"
Oh, oh my. Wow.
posted by Freen 19 years ago
In "What weird/stupid/silly stuff have you done?"
Jumped off the michigan ave. bridge into the Chicago River.
posted by Freen 19 years ago
In "New Pope"
Well, for a guy who is totally against moral relativity in all forms, he sure is quite relatavistic when it comes to his support of the Nazis. I wonder what Sophie Scholl of the White Rose would have to say about this. That is, if she were still alive.
posted by Freen 19 years ago
(limited to the most recent 20 comments)