In "The Telecrapper 2000"

Yep - many CHARTIES use telemarketing to solict donations - but what hell - must be esy living the wonderdul town of I'M-ALRIGHT-JACK-FUCK-YOU, U.S.A

In "Abandonded Britain"

COOL - I have bookmarked this one for a more through exanination. Preferably accompanied by my spoooky sound fx records and flickering candlelight. [Somehow you have got to worry about a guy who spends too much time around mental hospitals. BTW what ever became of Broadmoor?]

In "Curious George: $25 a day plus expenses"

42 cents for a steak! No wonder the 38 cent dinner tasted like a discarded mail sack! Thanks for that info my fellow monkeys. BTW in 1932 a quart of rye cost 92 cents (according to Chandler himself) so drinking heavily clearly was not a huge drain on the economy.

Umm ... thanks. But do you know any on-line libraries that carry back issues of say SF Chronicle for 1938. Local Libraries don't carry back copies of foreign press unfortunately. Thanks worldwide I'll look into it. (just saw your post).

In "20 Mishaps That Might Have Started Accidental Nuclear War"

"Funny sort of game where the only winning move is not to play at all." Fancy a nice game of chess?

In "Computer crashing? Maybe you're cursed..."

Well that's Macs for ya!

In "Curious George: Toolbar Trouble"

Small bear - you gonna buy the OS for me? *waits for OS - not a sausage* The OS is pretty stable (I defrag/error & virus check regularlly) & doesn't seem to crash during power down. However I will try just adjusting and powering down and see what happens.

In "How to fuck a donkey."

Failing that you could always start an illict relationship with the toolbar. Then the donkey will know it's getting screwed!

In "Curious George: Toolbar Trouble"

BB - yep tried that. But Auto arranges on startup. Small Bear - Yep have to beat the bar off with a stick ;) seriously I know that but must be a way to have it auto hide from startup

In "Sleeping Students Gallery"

Is it just me or are all these sleepers in the same lecture? Must be economics. I had to have double-double expresso before those. Then in my final year we got to have DOUBLE ECONOMICS on Friday afternoons. That was a killer. One summer arvo even the teacher nearly passed out!

In "London guerilla graffiti artist visits Palestine."

Yes but if the Israeli military types just threaten you be very very thankful.

In "Seductive cow!"

(un) Holy cow Batman! [with appologies to un-]

In "Curious George - Whom/What do you trust?"

Oops sorry roryk gets the prize. *takes gold fish in a plastic bag from fish and gives to roryk*

Yes Fish_tick all very nice but your second guess was correct... bucks was a give awy I thought :)

In "Our blurry Capitol:"

I heard that Mircosoft's version of this application has air-brushed Apple HQ off the face of the earth, replacing it with a v crappy photograph of a deserted warehouse. If it doesn't fit Big Bill's view, it doesn't exist!

In "Curious George - Whom/What do you trust?"

Cheers midclasstool. Hate to admit my massive ignorance of all things mathmatical, so instead blame a bad maths teacher in last years of school. *he he* Not all bad though. I remember one teacher put the whole class off HP for life by explaining what a rip-off it is. Saved me personally thousands of bucks.

In "The strange story of Napolean's Wallpaper."

Thallium - chemically similar to asenic, was very popular in post-war Australia as both a rat poison and to get rid of the troublesome hubbies (women are far more likely to poison than men. It is the number-one method of homicide in England amonst women.) Also check out a movie called "The Young Poisoner's Handbook". Nice cup of tea anyone?

In "What's your favourite colour?"

This post sounds like the script for "The Red Line". *shows 8000th shot of Sulpher Crested Cockatoo, Rainbow Lorikeet, Eastern Rosella etc.*

In "Curious George - Whom/What do you trust?"

I count 6 mentions of hypothetical supernatural beings (so far). Ok Ok I'll bite. What is the 'The Riemann Hypothesis'?

I suppose you can always trust some smartypants (with dodgy maths skills) to find the weak point in your post...

(limited to the most recent 20 comments)