Maybe my personal experience can help, or at least give you some rough guidelines.
I got a DUI in 2001, and it took the government five years to get around to my court case, during which time my drivers' license was suspended/revoked. I flew across the US twice during this period with no problems.
After court, and paying fines (and not meeting probation requirements) I tried to take my drivers' test before visiting my family across the country again (where I planned to acquire a car and drive it back home). No dice- can't take the test without a car. So I flew to see the family, got a car and drove it home crosscountry without a valid license. No legal problems, thank Jah. Took my test for the license the next day and passed. Still am in violation of probation stemming from dui, as far as I know.
Ah! I've been looking for some sources of good online speculative fiction since my main internet device now says 'Nokia', rather than 'Apple.' My thanks, Christophine!
Trying it out here on a Nokia n800 porta-web thang, and it's like it was made for this resolution. Triumph of tiny format, indeed! Miniscape rocks this ass, at least. Thanks for the link, minda25!
The partying people sure do make that house crowded. The men on the roof, though, remain at work. I'm befuddled by the bubblegum girl, the contortionists, the makeout couple and the plant in front.
Maybe my personal experience can help, or at least give you some rough guidelines. I got a DUI in 2001, and it took the government five years to get around to my court case, during which time my drivers' license was suspended/revoked. I flew across the US twice during this period with no problems. After court, and paying fines (and not meeting probation requirements) I tried to take my drivers' test before visiting my family across the country again (where I planned to acquire a car and drive it back home). No dice- can't take the test without a car. So I flew to see the family, got a car and drove it home crosscountry without a valid license. No legal problems, thank Jah. Took my test for the license the next day and passed. Still am in violation of probation stemming from dui, as far as I know.
posted by DrAwkward 17 years ago
In "Strange Horizons"
Ah! I've been looking for some sources of good online speculative fiction since my main internet device now says 'Nokia', rather than 'Apple.' My thanks, Christophine!
posted by DrAwkward 17 years ago
In "Trapped Part 1 - The White Rabbit"
Trying it out here on a Nokia n800 porta-web thang, and it's like it was made for this resolution. Triumph of tiny format, indeed! Miniscape rocks this ass, at least. Thanks for the link, minda25!
posted by DrAwkward 17 years ago
In "Gabbly"
On a scale from toasters to Awesome, I rate it a big ol' convection oven of neato!
posted by DrAwkward 18 years ago
In "The Amen break: culture and copyright"
Thanks for the link correction. Apologies for my butterfingers/n00biness.
posted by DrAwkward 18 years ago
In "Find 74 bands in this picture..."
The partying people sure do make that house crowded. The men on the roof, though, remain at work. I'm befuddled by the bubblegum girl, the contortionists, the makeout couple and the plant in front.
posted by DrAwkward 19 years ago
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