In "If your child is gay and you chose to celebrate it"

Why is there no badge for pitching a tent?

In "Bunny Suicides."

Bunnies are the new monkeys.

In "Metafilter has turned on signups for new users."

Pardon me. I seem to be in the wrong neighborhood. Can someone please give me directions back to the interstate?

In "The Picture of Everything"

I'm actually in this picture. I'm here between Dr. Zaius and Mary Jane Watson. (You have to click the left arrow once.)

In "Whiskey Chimp"

Ooops. I mean...check out the icons here.

In "BBC Boners"


In ""

Mefi is full of dickheads. Ouch.

I just wish I was as smart as the average old guard mefite. As an average old guard mefite, I'd just like to say...I am insulted. Ah, who am I kidding? We're horses-asses.

I'm curious as to what caused the sharp spike in enrollments from March 2001 to May 2001. Matt Haughey was featured on the cover of "Brill's Content" in an article about weblogging. I have dozens of copies.

In ""

Anybody else think that maybe Clark said, "Kerry will impolde over an internal issue." Clark's seemed to be above this petty shit so far, it just doesn't make sense that he would cockpunch him now.

In "Curious George: MoFi census"

I work for a funeral home. No, really.

In "Curious George: Meta...what?"

Keep them monkeyfists away from my cock! An asspunch, though? Bring it on, Coco!

matt mooned all his possessions and joined the soldies.

In "1 Player Online Scrabble."

Cool. I played "VOMIT" on my first round.

In "Curious George: Meta...what?"


Whoa. Who left this screendoor open? *Sits down, starts eating MonkeyChips* Hey! These taste like crap!

In ""

The only thing I remember from "The Goonies?" One-eyed Willy. Like kids weren't gonna get THAT joke.

In "Apparently, it's time for member authentication"

Fes, you are dead to me.

In "Scheduled Server Outage"

See...what you should have done is give people a week to get addicted to this place, and then when you shut down for four hours, people will go nuts until it comes back. Then, they'll never log out again, for fear of losing it. That's what other sites do, I hear.

In "Breaking News for MeFi Wannabes"

Miguel, I've spoken to the FalseMiguel and he promises to only use his powers for good. He says you can have the intercap version of your name too, if you want it. He also says that your wife couldn't tell the difference between him and you.

(limited to the most recent 20 comments)