In "Bad Spock Drawings."

In "On baby names."

I was thinking of Cheyne Horan, the surfer.

"i gave my son a Scots first name, originally French - or rather, Norman." Good god, not Cheyne, by any chance?

Seriously, if I had kids, which I thankfully (for them & the world) do not, I would chose their names out of Lady Gregory's Gods & Fighting Men, but whack the spellings around a tad for teh modrnz.

In "The Ancient Standard."

They're watching their referral logs very intently!

In "B.C. Legislature murals to come down."

Lara keeps pwning me. :(

In "On baby names."

And I guess if we ask what the kid chose for her name, we'll have to wait 6 months for the fucking answer, right? :O ;p Here's my take on unusual names for kids, given that I have a name only 4 others on the planet share & of whom 2 are racehorses & 1 is a woman - my mom had the same idea, see, had some kind of visiony thing probably while high, gave me the stupidest fucking name on planet earth, which I am still saddled with, & which nobody has ever been able to spell or pronounce correctly since day one. Then she gave me a second name that was even stupider and even gayer than the first one. She's also batshit insane, another coincidence. My take is, give the kid a 'normal' name like Bob or Stephen or Sue. Not Dweezil or Zowie or Acme Apple Booshbubby III. Then at a certain point they can change it by deed poll or whatever if it hasn't 'taken'. Grrr. Excuse me I must go lie down now.

In "Bush compares Iraq to WWII"

Well, duh.

In "The Dramatic Chipmunk"

Monkeyfilter: incapacitating squee.

In "60 years of UFOs."

quidnunc, get over here, I need gamahuching.

But that may need testing.

I can only function sexually.

In "Rolling Stone: The Curse of Dick Cheney"

.. why doesn't somebody shoot that fucking asshole?

In "B.C. Legislature murals to come down."

They are doomed to paint shitty pictures of subserviant Redskins?

In "The Dramatic Chipmunk"

Flaggie means here, folks. Just more evidence for my contention that Japanese TV embodies fabulous forces that the viewer must encounter, thus gaining the power to return to the internets & bestow boons for all mankind, like a large lizard stumbling towards many small Japanese pop princesses with slabs of pork duct-taped to their heads.

In "60 years of UFOs."

The idea that proliferation of cameras should produce more pictures of UFOs (if they exist) is probably based on a false premise. Ignoring the fact that there are indeed quite a number of anomalous thingies caught on CCTV etc, and that they don't get very much reportage due to the mockery factor, there is also the issue of the 'gape' response. In the face of high strangeness, the urge is to gape in amazement, or run, rather than take a string of pix. It is also an interesting point that, in LA, despite the preponderance of CCTV & phonecams, only 1 drive by shooting has ever been caught on tape (at least this was the case up to a few years ago). Nobody questions that drive-bys actually happen quite a lot. There's also the fact that people don't look up very much. When you go about your daily business, how much time do you spend looking up? SERPO & other complete bogus fake stories about UFOs tend to, sadly, drown out the core of interesting & compelling evidence for the existance of 'something weird' up there. It's also in the nature of this phenomenon that it is baffling & elusory.

In "Giant"

Oh, those filthy fucking penguins.

In "The Ancient Standard."

"why was it titled "Pre-Columbian Pottery Porno...?" ... you got me, there.

In "B.C. Legislature murals to come down."

"And what about the continued use of a lazy, sombrero-wearing, invariably mustachioed, cactus-leaning racial stereotype for the promotion of Mexican restaurants?" Hmmm. Seen any Speedy Gonzales reruns, lately? Frog in a hot tub, man, frog in a hot tub.

In "JRR Tolkien reads and sings The Lord of the Rings"

Bollocks. Imladris was temperate.

(limited to the most recent 20 comments)