Out of the various technologies out there to track Internet memes I prefer Technorati. Daypop is okay, but Popdex is teh suck. Blogdex sometimes reports some pretty weird findings (they got da funky algorithm in da house), but the results are still useful.
And of course Google doesn't lie. Yet.
P.S. Thanks for the post, 606!
Matthew Frederick Dvais Hemming
a.k.a "CheeseburgerBrown"
Oh sorry -- my bad. That's my life-sized bust of L. Ron Hubbard. I wondered where I'd left it.
posted by CheeseburgerBrown 17 years ago
In "Fill-in the Blank Apology Form Thingy"
I'm sorry.
posted by CheeseburgerBrown 17 years ago
In "17 Drawings"
Out of the various technologies out there to track Internet memes I prefer Technorati. Daypop is okay, but Popdex is teh suck. Blogdex sometimes reports some pretty weird findings (they got da funky algorithm in da house), but the results are still useful. And of course Google doesn't lie. Yet. P.S. Thanks for the post, 606! Love, Matthew Frederick Dvais Hemming a.k.a "CheeseburgerBrown" http://mfdh.ca
posted by CheeseburgerBrown 19 years ago
(limited to the most recent 20 comments)