In "Chess Great Bobby Fischer Dies"

I find it strangely reassuring that he was 64.

In "GoDaddy Loves Torture."

Umm... you realize that Network Solutions is actually the worst of the bunch, right?

In ""is this where baby taxi-cabs come from?""

Besides, everyone knows that you never see any baby cabs because cabs are made out of old pigeons. (You don't see any baby pigeons because they emerge fully formed from the tar bubbles of tenement roofs.)

In "Married woman does her own PI work on"

I wonder why that woman didn't want her posting sent into space.

In "RoboMaid,"

Oh - even funnier, I notice that it was $20 in August. Robomaid price war!

I submitted this to Engadget over the summer. I saw an infomercial for it, and thought it was hysterical.

In "Curious George: Online Newsreaders?"

Really? I like that it strips all of the crappy fonts and layouts and I can just concentrate on actually reading, you know, the text.

In "Move along...?"

I should have added a quote for that URL: "A computer error with a voting machine cartridge gave President Bush 3,893 extra votes in a Gahanna precinct. Franklin County's unofficial results gave Bush 4,258 votes to Democratic challenger John Kerry's 260 votes in Precinct 1B. Records show only 638 voters cast ballots in that precinct."

Problems have already been found.

In "Curious George: Emigrating within the U.S."

The only way to defeat conservative idealist is to move in with them, interact with them, and confront them with the fact that their decisions are hurting people they know. Moving away to live with other liberals only makes this problem worse.

In "Curious, George: Coconuts."

Typically, a piece of the shattered shell can be used to scrape out the meat. But I usually use a screwdrivers (also handy for poking out the three eyes so you can drain the juice). Also, note that the juice inside a coconut is not "coconut milk" - that's pulped coconut meat.

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