26 test, 35 irl.
This is surprisingly accurate, considering the ages of most of my friends. Last Thursday I was hanging out with a friend and we were asked by a couple of guys how old we were, assuming that we were the same age. I said, "There's a ten year age difference between us" and was rewarded with a couple dropped jaws. She looks older than she is, but still.
Flock has angered me. It was bad enough when the website wouldn't tell you what it did, but then there was this very Crying Game like "oooh, we can't tell you, you just have to see" attitude combined with a ton of hype. Excuse me? You can give a presentation at a conference to generate publicity but can't PUT YOUR NOTES ONLINE?!? On the one hand you couldn't get away from the hype, and on the other nobody would say what it DID. Very very irritating.
So, I repudiate Flock. Speak not to me of this thing.
I had very strong deja vu a few weeks ago at a conference. Not only did I feel like I'd been in that exact spot with the same people before, but I felt like I had felt deja vu at the same event before. And no, I hadn't met these people or been there before.
The human brain, she is funny sometime. No?
I'm in SF, and it's not unusual to see people bring their bikes inside with them into bars, coffee shops, and other people's houses for this reason. It amazes me when I see, say... a shiny new Bianchi Pista locked up outside a 16th Street bar. ARE YOU CRAZY?!?
I'd agree that the group making decisions about these things should be international, but can we keep the politicians out? China and Iran don't make me any more comfortable than Bush & Co...
Darshon, I am sooooo jealous. I felt that way about citrus and avocados before I moved a few hours north. Now the only edibles I can find in my 'hood are rosemary and blackberries.
This is so sad, my brain has trouble fastening on it. I'm glad to see India has offered aid though, may relations between the two countries continue to improve.
Scholars are already calling it the third Great Awakening, which are periods of greatly increased religious fervor in America. Other than that, I don't know.
I haven't been around here in ages, but as soon as I saw the news I thought "ZOMG! To MoFi!" Hi Monkeys! No long time no smell. : )
posted by Cali 18 years ago
In "Curious George: Acoustic Song List?"
Here is the list from our last camping trip, with a link to the tabs. yes, there's a wiki for the camping trip. what?
posted by Cali 18 years ago
In "Smashing bumpkins."
I love it, best move I think I ever made.
posted by Cali 19 years ago
In "A complete lack of morals."
I know Judith a bit. A sucky thing happened to her and she vented her frustration on her blog, as you do.
posted by Cali 19 years ago
In "zillow.com"
I checked my mom's house, it seems to have lost the addition of a bedroom and bathroom that it gained 25 years ago. Hmmm.
posted by Cali 19 years ago
In ""Someone is shooting at us, we must go...""
He also rescues celebrities from overturned cars, apparently.
posted by Cali 19 years ago
In "Curious, George: First digital SLR"
This AskMe has good advice after it veers away from the original topic a bit.
posted by Cali 19 years ago
In "because mefi nyc doesn't actually hate you"
HEY!!!! I just discovered that I missed a great meetup. And Zanshin finally made it out! Damn.
posted by Cali 19 years ago
In "What age do you act?"
26 test, 35 irl. This is surprisingly accurate, considering the ages of most of my friends. Last Thursday I was hanging out with a friend and we were asked by a couple of guys how old we were, assuming that we were the same age. I said, "There's a ten year age difference between us" and was rewarded with a couple dropped jaws. She looks older than she is, but still.
posted by Cali 19 years ago
In "So"
Remember, waaaay back in the 20th century, when web portals and personalized homepages were going to be "it"?
posted by Cali 19 years ago
Flock has angered me. It was bad enough when the website wouldn't tell you what it did, but then there was this very Crying Game like "oooh, we can't tell you, you just have to see" attitude combined with a ton of hype. Excuse me? You can give a presentation at a conference to generate publicity but can't PUT YOUR NOTES ONLINE?!? On the one hand you couldn't get away from the hype, and on the other nobody would say what it DID. Very very irritating. So, I repudiate Flock. Speak not to me of this thing.
posted by Cali 19 years ago
In "Curious, George: Déjà Vu"
I had very strong deja vu a few weeks ago at a conference. Not only did I feel like I'd been in that exact spot with the same people before, but I felt like I had felt deja vu at the same event before. And no, I hadn't met these people or been there before. The human brain, she is funny sometime. No?
posted by Cali 19 years ago
In "PeltierBeer"
In defense of American drinking habits, what we call "cold" is what Brits call "room temperature". *puts on sunscreen*
posted by Cali 19 years ago
In "Curious, George: "
To have power over gravity, and to make it heavier or lighter in a specific spot or for a specific person at will.
posted by Cali 19 years ago
In "Stolen Bikes."
I'm in SF, and it's not unusual to see people bring their bikes inside with them into bars, coffee shops, and other people's houses for this reason. It amazes me when I see, say... a shiny new Bianchi Pista locked up outside a 16th Street bar. ARE YOU CRAZY?!?
posted by Cali 19 years ago
In "It's America's Internet"
I'd agree that the group making decisions about these things should be international, but can we keep the politicians out? China and Iran don't make me any more comfortable than Bush & Co...
posted by Cali 19 years ago
In "The 29 Healthiest Foods on the Planet"
Darshon, I am sooooo jealous. I felt that way about citrus and avocados before I moved a few hours north. Now the only edibles I can find in my 'hood are rosemary and blackberries.
posted by Cali 19 years ago
In "7.6 tremor hits S. Asia."
This is so sad, my brain has trouble fastening on it. I'm glad to see India has offered aid though, may relations between the two countries continue to improve.
posted by Cali 19 years ago
In "Curious, George:"
I'm now picturing Pirate MoneyJane. Yarrrr!
posted by Cali 19 years ago
Scholars are already calling it the third Great Awakening, which are periods of greatly increased religious fervor in America. Other than that, I don't know.
posted by Cali 19 years ago
(limited to the most recent 20 comments)