In "Liam's Pictures from Old Books"

Glad you liked fromoldbooks :-) There is also an RSS feed if you get super-keen: I try to add a few new images each week, averaging one a day or more. peacay, some of the books are literally picture-books: they were published because of the 18th and 19th Century craze for romantic ruins, castles and landscape engravings. I do try and include relevent text and notes, but if I transcribed the whole book every time it'd take forever. There are some complete books (a dictionary of proverbs, a dictionary of thieving slang), and lengthy extracts from others (a Grammar of Heraldry, a chapter from Oman's book of Castles, several biographies from a 30-volume dictionary of biography I bought in Oxford in a wild fit of stupidity almost 15 years ago, and more) Best, Liam

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