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February 13, 2008

Sleeveface! 1. Take a record sleeve 2. Put it where your face is (youtube) 3. Take a picture and upload it to the intarwebs 4. !!!!
Man destroys Stradivarius in a fit of slapstick.
"Do you want our Chinese women? We can give you ten million." What a cheeky old crackpot the late Chairman was. "Mao continued, 'By doing so we can let them flood your country with disaster and therefore impair your interests. In our country we have too many women, and they have a way of doing things.They give birth to children and our children are too many.'"
A 1913 article about the brand spanking new and shiny Panama Canal. Currently the canal is being widened, because the Panamax supertankers, built especially to maximise tonnage while using the Panama Canal, just aren't big enough any more. The expansion will double the canal's capacity, which is currently 14,000 vessels annually.
Where can Miggi get some monkey underpants? Proper monkey ones with a hole for his tail, but nice and snug all the same?